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Training for Perfect, Clearer Than 20/20 Eyesight. Correct Myopia,
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HISTORY The Bates Method, Natural Eyesight
Improvement - Best Teachers, Books, Websites, Blogs, Training, variety of
Information. 1800's, 1901 to Present Date
BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates',
Introduction. 132 Issues, July 1919 to June 1930. Original Training,
Cures from the Eye Doctor that Discovered Natural Vision Improvement
BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE - Entire 132 Issues on One Page or Link
to the Main Magazine Website, Individual Monthly Issues. Read, Listen
Free on the Internet in any LanguageAUDIOS
For the Blind, Low Vision - Better Eyesight Magazine Treatments;
Myopia, Presbyopia, Cataract Glaucoma, Retina Health, Strabismus,
to My Mom Nancy
Native American
Videos - Natural Life=Clear Sight
SKYPE, GOOGLE Live Video on the Internet - Telephone Natural
Eyesight Improvement Training. Student and Group Training
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Natural Eyesight Training Starts Here, Page #1 to #40.
Laser Eye Cornea Surgery, Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses2
- STRONG EYEGLASSES = Addiction, Progressive Vision, Eye
Eye Health Improvement. EYEGLASSES Low Cost Reduced
20/40, 20/50 Weaker Prescription Lenses by Mail & Behavioral
Optometrists. Pass the Drivers License Eyesight Exam - Practice
on the Govt. RMV, DMV... Eyecharts
3 -
HUMAN EYE Function, Anatomy, Light Rays, Cornea, Iris-Pupil, Lens,
Retina, Macula, Fovea, Optic Nerve, Eye Muscles...4
- Front View of Eye. Pupil, Iris, Ciliary, Lens, Sclera.., Outer
Eye Muscles; Oblique, Recti. THE EYE CHANGES LENGTH LIKE A CAMERA (with
5 -
Other Relaxed, Natural, Correct Eye-Vision Functions. The
Play with the Moving Pointer to get the Eyes Shifting, Relaxed. Move with
the Figure Eight.
6 - CENTRAL-FIXATION - Central Vision
'Centralizing'. See Clearest with the Center of the Visual Field. Combine
With Shifting. The Central Field MOVES as the Eyes, Mind-Attention Move
- CENTRAL-FIXATION STICK Use the Gate to Find the Exact Central
Field and Move it. Test for Balanced Eyes, Vision.
8 -
MEMORY AND IMAGINATION Improve the Mind, Eyesight, Body, Sprit.
Eye-Vision 'Visual System' Functions10
at All Distances. Bates Method Combined with Behavioral Optometry,
Relaxed Eye Exercises11
- WARNING - Avoid Artificial 3-D Fusion Pictures, Repetitive Eye
Exercises; 'Autostereograms, 'Magic Eyes'
DISTANT EYESIGHT Eyechart Pictures From Dr. Bates Medical Articles14
- THE FIGURE EIGHT (Infinity Swing)Left and Right Brain Hemisphere
Activation, Integration, Neck, Body Movement, Relaxation15
- THE SWAY, 'Rock', LONG SWING, CROSS CRAWL and Other Movement,
Relaxation, Body-Brain Activities For Clear Eyesight16
18 -
SACCADIC SUNNING With Tree, Fence, Nosefeather, Swing, Rocking
Chair, Oppositional Movement19
Eyesight Magazine and Perfect Sight Without Glasses
20 -
SPINE, BODY, CHAKRAS 'Energy Centers, Pathways'
21 -
RELAXATION METHODS; PALMING, Color Visualization, Breathing,
Energy Circulation, Alpha, Theta, Delta Deep Relaxation Chart
22 -
COLOR, COLORED LIGHT TREATMENT; Antique Colored Glass Bottle,
Sunlight, Color Changing Angel Lamp for Night-time
23 -
NEAR VISION; Clear Eyesight at Close Distances. READ IN FULL
and Microscopic Print Clear. Natural Presbyopia Cure, Prevention.
For Clear Close and Far Vision. THUMB- FINGER MOVEMENT, 'OPPOSITE SWING'25
- NIGHT VISION See Clear in Lower light, Moonlight. Cones,
Rods in the Retina, Visual Purple
26 -
- STRABISMUS Crossed/Wandering Eyes Correction
28 -
GOOD POSTURE For Relaxed Body, Shoulders, Neck, Eye Muscles,
Balanced Movement and Clear Eyesight29
Chiropractic Treatment Vs. Physical Therapy, Massage. CHIROPRACTIC
Causes Stroke, Blindness, Death, Paralysis... Videos
30 -
PHYSICAL THERAPY - For Relaxed Body, Shoulders, Neck, Head and
Clear Eyesight. Vertebrae C-1 Top of Neck to C-5 Upper Spine
31 -
ACUPRESSURE POINTS, MASSAGE Face-Eyes, Head, Neck, Shoulders,
Back, Body, Hands, Feet... for Muscle Relaxation, Balanced, Moving
Chi... Energy and Clear Eyesight. EFT
32 -
NUTRITION For Healthy Eyes, Clear Eyesight. Grow Your Own
Bilberries, Blackberries, Spinach, Kale, Corn, Dandelions, Flowers,
Carrots... For Healthy Retina, Lens...33
- For Pilots - Aviators - Better Eyesight Magazine.
Warning; Avoid The Plus Lens-Anti-Corrective Method.
34 -
STORIES FROM THE CLINIC by Emily C. A. Lierman, Bates. Dr. Bates
Assistant, Wife for Many Years in His New York City Clinic, Offices...35
Bates Original 1919 Book. And; 'Use Your Own Eyes', 'Normal Sight Without
Glasses' by Dr. William B. MacCracken M. D., 'Strengthening The Eyes' by
Bernarr MacFadden, W. H. Bates. Optometrist Harold M. Peppard, Monroe
Hirsch, O.D. Ph. D. E-Books, Videos36
- Clark Night - (Mary Iva Oliver) Natural Eyesight Improvement School,
Courses Certificates, Receipts. 1st Book Copyright 1996+
37 -
Clark Night -(Mary Iva Oliver) Drivers Licenses, Family Photos -
No Glasses, Proof of Clear Vision. Govt. Directions for Eyesight Test
38 -
Blind, Visually Disabled Achieve Independence - Guide Dog
Schools, DAV, Perkins School For The Blind
39 -
NEW STUFF! What's Up in the Natural Eyesight Improvement World?
Lasik, Contact Lens Warning Videos. Corrupt Teachers, Author's Teaching
Incorrect, Harmful Methods, Steal Manuscripts, Hack Honest Teachers
Computers, Try to Hide the True Bates Method and Charge High Prices40
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Causing Paralysis, Stroke, Vision, Hearing Impairment, Stroke, Death
Pinhole Glasses
- Pros and Cons, Mainly Cons. AVOID!
 First; I want to state
"I am against the use of
pinhole glasses". I have completed my own experiments, surveys on
their effects; they definitely disrupt the function of the eyes,
entire visual system. Instant headaches, eye pain, dizziness, multiple
images, disorientation are some effects of pinhole glasses. I keep
this webpage with warnings due to people asking for pinholes.
Some have used them with benefit, especially if they are trying to
free of a very strong eyeglass prescription. Other
people state they
experience side effects and more vision impairment. The experiment
results are posted at the
end of this article.
PDF of this article, page
Click Here.
Pinhole glasses
block many natural eye-visual system functions so they are not a
cure all, but they can be A
'temporary tool' to be used only
when necessary, example; for a few
seconds to read fine
on a medicine bottle, a distant sign... to prevent
squinting, use of eyeglasses.
The goal is to
obtain complete freedom from eyeglasses and pinholes. In some
ways they are better than eyeglasses, contact lenses, and are
definitely better than eye cornea… surgery.
They can (in safe
NOT when driving, using power
crossing the street, jogging, sports…) be used
briefly in place of eyeglasses. This helps to stop addiction to stronger and stronger
eyeglass prescriptions, prevent advanced vision, eye problems that are
caused by strong eyeglasses. Pinholes prevent
some of the strain, tension in the eyes, eye muscles, retina, lens,
brain that
eyeglasses cause. But; they cause some of the same
types of strain, tension eyeglasses cause
and create other
types of strain, tension, vision problems.
They block, disrupt
many normal, natural eye-vision-visual system functions. So, they are not to be used forever.
They are a step toward freedom from eyeglasses.
Wearing pinhole glasses enables the eyes, eye muscles, entire
visual system to relax a bit more than when wearing eyeglasses.
better to use the pinhole glasses for a couple seconds than to
constantly squint or put on eyeglasses and tense up the eye
muscles, eyes, visual system and reverse your vision improvement
process. But; pinhole glasses also cause tension, strain, many
problems. A better option is the one hole type in the picture on the
bottom of this page.
Eyeglasses contain, maintain an abnormal refraction,
prescription for myopia, presbyopia, astigmatism... It is constant, locked in. This
forces the person to develop and maintain the abnormal refraction,
level of unclear vision the eyeglass lens is created for. Strain,
tension occurs and it must be maintained to see though the
prescription glasses. Strain, tension, blur is increased by the
prescription. Relaxation and a normal refraction, fluctuation-‘rhythm’ in the eyes are
prevented. These abnormal conditions prevent vision improvement.
Natural Eyesight Improvement causes the eyes refraction-clarity of
vision to change often as it works its way to complete perfect
clarity. Flashes of clarity occur more and more and last longer,
become permanent. Eyeglasses prevent this natural fluctuation, flashes
of clarity and eyesight improvement.
Pinhole glasses do not act as eyeglass
prescriptions; they do not contain a myopia, presbyopia,
astigmatism... prescription, so; the eye does
not have to create an abnormal refraction, tension, strain and reverse
its vision improvement to see through the pinholes. In this way
pinholes are better than
But; the eyes, vision has to function abnormally to use the pinholes.
People can
obtain clear eyesight without use of pinholes.
I do not advise using them all day on the computer, ect... because
of the side effects.
Pinholes cannot be used at night, in
low light.
Pinholes should not be a replacement
for natural vision. People must use their own natural eyes-vision
without pinholes, without eyeglasses to gain perfect clear eyesight.
All you really need is to stop use of eyeglasses and to learn the
Bates Method of Natural Eyesight Improvement.
The more eyeglasses, pinholes are avoided, the faster and easier the
vision improves. When the vision improves with use of
Natural Eyesight Improvement,
then pinhole glasses, eyeglasses are permanently discontinued.
(How to do this, what to
avoid; read this page and the website chapters, free e-books.)
star reviews on the internet are mainly by paid FAKE reviewers that
are helping the seller sell the pinholes. Its hard to find true
reviews, speaking the truth. Sellers delete the reviews, close the
product and repost with a different name to wipe out the true reviews.
The vision and eyes health improve mainly by avoiding all
eyeglasses, including pinholes.
If eyeglasses are needed; only
reduced weaker
and weaker 20/40... lenses are
used and as little as possible.
(Do not wear eyeglasses,
contacts when wearing the pinholes.)
If you
want to get an idea of how pinholes work; place a piece of paper on a
table over a piece of cardboard and push a toothpick though the
paper to make a few holes. (See picture on top right of
this page.) Put the toothpick away. Look
though the holes in the paper. Notice the vision is clearer.
(If your eyes need vision improvement.) Objects may seem smaller; that's the effect of light rays and
areas of the retina being blocked by the pinholes. See the
bottom of this page for construction of the best pinhole device.
Pinhole Glasses reduce a lot of the light rays entering the eyes.
This reduces some of the blurry vision produced by unfocused light
rays in eyes that need vision improvement. Unfocused light rays
scatter on the central and peripheral areas of the retina. The
central ray focuses incorrect onto the peripheral field of the
retina. The peripheral rays scatter unfocused, incorrect on the
peripheral and central area of the retina, including the macula, fovea
centralis. Pinholes act as the eyes pupil does in sunlight; in
sunlight the pupil becomes smaller. This reduces light rays in the
eye. This is why day vision is clearer than night vision when the
eyes need vision improvement. Pinholes do this all the time, in
all levels of light and in an unnatural way. This is unhealthy, confuses,
strains the
brain, eye muscles, iris/pupil muscles, impairs their function...
The iris/pupil muscle is interconnected with the ciliary body,
ciliary-lens muscle. Tear gland and other muscles, nerves can be
affected, affect each other when tense, not functioning
correct. Modern science has proved Dr. Bates correct;
the eye does change shape, lengthen
to produce accommodation.
The ciliary muscle works with, affects
the outer eye muscles and the eyes shape during accommodation, un-accommodation.
All eye functions work together, affect each other. Squinting, an
Incorrect Vision Habit that causes eye, eye muscle
tension and unclear vision is a form of an unnatural pinhole
effect. Pinhole glasses act like many contracted pupils. This is abnormal.
All Pinhole glasses block healthy
I prefer pinhole
glasses that have the regular old fashioned larger holes,
allow more light to pass through to
the eyes. This is better than the smaller and tiny hole pinhole glasses.
Smaller holes
produce a clearer image when the eyesight is very unclear;
advanced myopia, presbyopia. The smaller holes hide the appearance of
some of the problems, unnatural effects that pinhole glasses
cause, but they are still occurring.
glasses with very small holes, appearing like plain sunglasses are
most harmful, act as sunglasses and block out more healthy natural sunlight causing an addiction to
sunglasses effect, lowed tolerance to light, impaired eye health. The smaller the holes, the more they
block the eyes natural function, so choose pinhole glasses with
larger size holes. Even pinholes with larger holes cause these
problems but a bit less than the small hole version.
All pinhole glasses are unnatural, act like dark, tinted lenses,
sunglasses; they block healthy full spectrum sunlight and lower
the clarity of vision, health and function of the eyes.
The eyes
need natural full spectrum sunlight. In the daytime,
bright light,
it is normal for the eyes pupil to
constrict 'become smaller' to control-lessen the amount of light
entering the eyes.
The pinhole glasses act as
sunglasses 'darkness' and make the eyes pupil larger in the light;
daylight, indoor light. At the same time the pinholes in the glasses
act as many small 'contracted' pupils. 2 opposing unnatural functions
are occurring. This
causes strain, confusion, is
harmful to
the visual system, function of the brain with the eyes, pupil-iris, lens, retina,
its cones, rods, production of visual purple. Dark glasses, including
colored, tinted, UV blocking glasses cause watering eyes, sensitivity
to light, impair light tolerance and lower the eyes health and
clarity of vision. At
night, in low light, it is normal for the eyes pupil to enlarge to
allow more light to enter the eyes. The holes in the pinhole
glasses oppose this function by acting as small constricted pupils
while the pinhole glasses act as sunglasses and further enlarge the
eyes pupil.
Opposing and unnatural functions are occurring causing strain, tension,
confusion in the brain, eyes, eye muscles, retina, iris-pupil, lens...
This can also affect convergence, divergence, accommodation,
un-accommodation. All functions of the eyes, visual system work
together. The eyes' pupil naturally changes size to assist focus of
light rays in varying amounts of light, darkness and when looking at
close and far distances and when reading up close. Pinhole glasses
interfere with this.
that have cataracts, other eye-vision problems might see better through
pinholes, but this is temporary and prevents Natural Vision
Improvement, a return to normal clear vision, healthy eyes.
The eyes, lens, retina need sunlight to remain healthy.
The eyes' lens needs full movement, circulation, hydration, complete
accommodation, un-accommodation to remain healthy.
Convergence, divergence (looking close and far) works with, is
affected by accommodation, un-accommodation.
Click Here
Accommodation, un-accommodation and convergence, divergence is
party blocked by pinhole glasses. This can prevent cataract
Eyeglasses cause cataract and cause many of the same problems that pinhole
glasses cause. Pinholes are healthier than
eyeglasses but I must emphasize; they do
cause similar and other problems that eyeglasses cause.
Interfering with the lens' natural movement-adjustment to different
distances freezes up the lens and impairs its circulation. It's not
just circulation of blood; it's also circulation-movement of fluids...
that nourish, hydrate the lens. Lymph, energy... flow in the eye.
(This is similar to the harm the dangerous Plus Lens-Anti-Corrective
eyeglass method causes.
Click Here
for PDF)
Pinhole glasses
are illegal, 'not safe' for driving, flying, bike riding, work,
play, cooking-working with knifes, machinery, walking, crossing the
street… Many activities cannot be performed safely when wearing
pinholes. Pinhole glasses block out a large part of the peripheral
field of vision. Normally, without the pinholes, objects and moving
objects are sensed by the peripheral field. Peripheral vision is
necessary for safety when driving
and most all activities. All pinhole glasses block parts of,
restrict, impair function of the entire visual field, central
and peripheral vision. Part of the retina and visual field,
‘central and peripheral' are blocked by the dark solid area of the
pinhole glasses and the frames around the lenses. This interferes
with completely normal eye, retina, brain, brain hemisphere, vision function.
Pinhole glasses do not help the eyes function correct, do not
improve function of the eye muscles and brain with the eyes, eye
muscles, retina. Pinholes block normal eye, brain, visual system
function; prevent the eyes from focusing, moving perfectly, natural; prevents normal, complete eye movement
'shifting', central-fixation, all Correct Natural, Relaxed Vision
Habits, perfect, balanced accommodation, convergence, un-accommodation, divergence,
synchronized visual and optical axis's in the left and right eyes, binocular vision, fusion, depth, distance perception, 3-D vision,
central and peripheral vision.
All of
these work together. Disrupting one affects function of all.
The fovea centralis, macula, the eyes retina's 'central
(to be exact;
the center of the fovea, its pit)
must avoid the black areas of the
glasses and move to, look through only the pinholes. Each time the
eyes move or converge, diverge for different distances; the solid
black areas will ‘on and off’ block one or both eyes pupils ‘foveas’.
This makes it difficult for the central light ray to focus
perfectly on the center of the fovea centralis. Focus of other
rays on the inner and outer central and peripheral areas of the
retina are also blocked.
This blocks complete, free flowing, perfect eye movement,
scanning, tracking, searching,
saccade shifts..,
normal perfect central-fixation, perfect
clarity of central vision and maximum peripheral vision.
Pinhole glasses impair the eyes shifting movement,
coordinated visual axis ‘central light ray’ focus from the left
and right eyes. This is due to the black areas around the pinholes
on and off blocking the eyes central field. Areas of the
peripheral are also blocked. Shifting and central-fixation occur
together. Pinholes disrupt this main natural eye-vision function.
The optic axis is also affected.
Pinhole glasses disrupt your visual axis;
central-fixation of both eyes’ foveas,
(the foveal pit ‘foveola’) working, moving
together precisely to focus the
central light ray from the point of an object you are looking at
perfectly into each eyes' fovea pit; the solid areas of the pinholes
cause the central field of the left and right eyes to not always focus
together on the same point. This blocks binocular vision, fusion. Try
this; when wearing the pinholes; move the head, eyes across the visual
field until you see a part of an object in the distance clear or
semi-clear through a pinhole. If you close one eye at a time when
looking through the pinhole glasses you will notice often that one
eyes central field, 'fovea' is blocked by the mesh of the black areas
of the glasses surrounding the holes. Areas of the macula are also
blocked. One eye sees the part of the object less clear or very
unclear or the part is completely blocked. This causes diffusion,
eccentric-fixation; the opposite of the healthy function of
central-fixation ‘centralizing’. Equal, perfect convergence,
divergence, accommodation, un-accommodation and shifting movement of
the left and right eyes is impaired. Unbalanced vision occurs. Often
the black areas block both eyes foveas-macula causing the part of the
object to be seen blurry by both eyes. Areas throughout the entire
peripheral field are also blocked. Attraction, attention of the mind,
eyes to other objects in the visual field is reduced. The person is
tempted to move only the head or move only the eyes or move the eyes
and head away from the object while using the peripheral area of the
retina, peripheral field to see the object with. This is also
eccentric-fixation, diffusion and a main cause of advanced myopia,
presbyopia, astigmatism, cataract, macular degeneration. Even using
the side of the fovea, or macula is still considered using the
peripheral. The true central field, perfect central-fixation is to use
the pit of the fovea; it’s exact center and without pinhole glasses.
Using the fovea occurs naturally, automatically without effort.
pinholes prevent the eye muscles (inner; ciliary-lens, iris-pupil.
Outer; recti, oblique...) from functioning normally. Because
objects seen through pinholes appear smaller, incorrect size and are
somewhat clearer; the eyes-brain feel that they do not need to adjust
for different distances.
Convergence-accommodation, divergence-un-accommodation do not occur
fully, naturally. This impairs
memory, imagination, depth, distance... perception, function of
the brain with the eyes, eye muscles, retina and lens. The result
strain, impaired vision. All eyeglasses including pinholes
disrupt normal eye-vision functions, blinking, can cause
headaches. Tear gland muscle and tear production messages to-from
the cornea, brain, gland are also disrupted.
Pinholes disrupt the function of the eyes, eye muscles, retina,
brain ‘entire visual system’. In some ways pinhole glasses are
like eyeglasses; you have to ‘adjust to them’ by developing incorrect, unnatural use of the
vision, eyes. This leads to unclear vision and blocks use of Natural
eyesight Improvement.
Some sellers
state their pinhole glasses have the pinholes lined up perfectly
with the eyes pupils. This is a false statement because;
glasses are set for one size (one PD; pupil distance; the
placement 'centering' of the left and right sections of the
glasses in front of the left and right eyes pupils.) So, the glasses are never a
perfect fit for each individual person's PD. Everyone has a different
measurement ‘space’ between the eyes and size-shape of the nose,
head. So; the macula, fovea is often blocked on and off in one or
both eyes by the solid areas of the pinhole glasses. Also; if the
pinhole glasses barely move, tilt or the eyes move 'shift',
converge... ; the position
of the holes and solid areas change. Even if the PD were set correct,
the pinholes will not always be in front of the eyes pupils. Immobility ‘not shifting
not moving the head with the eyes is a main cause of defective
sight. Sellers state that pinholes cause the eyes to shift; yes,
but in a very unnatural, straining way that impairs the eyes
natural true shifting. Shifting to
avoid the solid areas of the pinhole glasses is not normal eye
function. Avoid teachers that try to convince
you that the solid black areas of the pinholes stimulate the retina’s
photoreceptors. They do not! They confuse and strain them, acting as a
constant flickering on and off of light-darkness effect, like placing
sunglasses on, off, on, off. Very harmful to the function of the
retina, its photoreceptors ‘cones, rods’ and the iris-pupil, ciliary
body-muscle, lens. The function of the iris-pupil, ciliary muscle-lens
and entire eye; eyes shape, oblique and recti eye muscles ALL work
together and effect eachother.
Because pinhole
glasses disrupt the eyes natural movement, convergence,
divergence, and eye-lens accommodation, un-accommodation movement,
all eye, visual system functions; they are definitely NOT for people
with; strabismus (crossed, wandering eyes), any amount of
convergence, divergence dysfunction (even if it is very slight),
amblyopia, astigmatism, cataract, macular degeneration, even
slightly advanced presbyopia and other eye-vision conditions.
I like the pinhole glasses with holes also placed in the
center of the glasses
as shown in the picture on the top right; this helps
keep more of the central field visible. (Except where the black areas are.
All areas of the visual field, central and peripheral are still
partially blocked by the pinhole glasses.)
All natural eye-vision functions that are
impaired by eyeglasses, pinhole glasses are restored, improved to
perfect by The Bates Method.
Practicing the Bates Method of
Natural Eyesight Improvement
will free
you from all types of eyewear.
Now you know the entire truth. Some people might benefit from use
of pinholes if used sparingly and temporary. Others experience too
many problems, decide to avoid them. I
prefer students to go completely natural; no pinholes, no
eyeglasses. If your vision is in advanced stages of high myopia,
farsight, presbyopia; any type of stress, strain can lead to more
problems. Stronger and stronger eyeglasses lead to advanced
presbyopia, astigmatism, cataracts,
detached retina, macula degeneration, glaucoma and other
conditions. But pinholes also cause tension, strain. If they are
used in place of glasses to avoid advanced problems; could the
also cause advanced problems or will they help the eyes-vision
heal in some
ways? No eyeglasses, pinholes is the best, healthiest decision.
But if you must use some type of glasses; the pinholes,
sparingly will be
better than the strong eyeglasses. Read more on the bottom of this
Due to all the side effects pinhole glasses
cause; I cannot in good conscience sell these glasses.
Avoid exercises that come with some pinhole glasses. I am not
familiar with all of them. Sellers usually are not natural vision
teachers and they often teach things that are wrong, unnatural,
harmful or provide ineffective or partial training. Do not
wear pinhole glasses over, under eyeglasses. Do not wear by
looking out over the tops of glasses or the pinhole glasses. See
this webpage for correct posture when wearing any type glasses; Do
not wear pinholes with contact lenses, sunglasses.
Do not wear pinholes when practicing Natural Eyesight Improvement;
switching, memory, imagination… because the pinhole glasses alter, impair these
functions. Pinholes disrupt all Bates Method, natural eye-vision
functions, shifting, central-fixation, relaxation…
alter the true natural practice. Do your best to keep correct,
relaxed vision habits; shifting... when wearing the pinholes, and
them often so you may practice the Bates Method completely
natural, perfect.
Some pinhole glasses on Amazon have smaller holes. As explained in
this article, the smaller holes are not healthy, they block more
natural eye-vision-brain functions. But; some people prefer the
smaller holes which will show clearer images through the pinhole
glasses at close and far distances when the eyesight is in
advanced stages of blur, myopia; -3 and up negative lenses,
presbyopia; +3 and up plus lenses. Some people state the smaller
and tiny hole pinholes cause additional annoying effects. People
state the spacing of the holes cause different effects. There are
various opinions. All pinhole glasses,
especially the small holes can lower your determination of depth,
distance, location, position 'orientation of the body,
eyes-vision'. Remember to use pinholes sparingly. Switch to the
bigger holes and eventually no pinhole glasses as the eyesight
improves with practice of Natural Eyesight Improvement. Amazon
sellers, a
vision teacher keeps deleting their product and re-posting with a
new product name. One reason is they do not like reviews that tell
the truth about pinhole glasses. Deleting it and reposting under a
different name deletes all the reviews. You may read my 3 pinhole glasses
reviews here if products are removed again; Move
to #11+ for the Natural Eyes review.
Here are customer reviews for the small holes;
Vision Training by Natural Eyes
and for the larger; Fasion
Eyesight Vision Improve Pinhole Glasses
(They deleted the small holes product again,
then reposted with many reviews deleted. UPDATE May, 2020 as I am
updating my wesite pages I notice they deleted the other 2 pinhole
products linked above. Probably relisted them with all TRUE reviews
deleted - AGAIN! Same for more links below.)
Note; most Amazon reviews are truthful, by real customers. Others
are phony; people are paid by the sellers to write 5 star positive
reviews. Business competitors pay people to write negative 1 star
Avoid plastic frames. Plastic contains toxic chemicals. The toxin can travel through the skin
into the body, brain, eyes. Avoid metal frames, they disrupt
energy flow, 'Chi, EFT'... Try to find pure wood, no coating,
wood that does not contain toxins. (some wood is not
healthy, even if it's natural), or pure
organic, non GMO
corn based plastic alternatives. Creating your own frames may be an option.
A short Optician course will provide the skill. If you are a
handyman, can create precise measurements, you might be able to
copy the exact PD, size of your eyeglass frames.
Avoid tight, awkward frame 'handles'; be sure the
part that rests on the head above and near the ears does not
pinch, press on the head, ears. Pressure on or near the ears or muscles,
nerves in this area can affect the hearing, balance system and
eyesight. Hearing and sight work together. No pressure on the
nose, temples, face... Same goes for eyeglass
frames; wear relaxed, no pressure on the face, head, around the
ears, eyes,
Avoid shiny, reflective glasses that can produce glare off of the
lenses, frames.
No frameless eyeglasses because;
without frames; the sides, angle of the edge of the eyeglass can
act as a magnifier of sunlight and burn the skin, eyes.
Because I do not fully endorse the use of pinholes my
conscience won't allow me profit from them. Money from Amazon
Affiliate program for linking to the pinhole glasses on the Amazon
website is given to the Blind;
Donation receipts and screen snapshot of all Amazon affiliate link
sales is available on request.
my Amazon reviews for; Natural Eyes: Pin Hole Glasses, Black
Full Frame Kit and others. Scroll down to past years;
In my reviews I
am against the
Vision Training by Natural Eyes pinhole glasses because the holes are
too small. But many people like this because if their vision is
very unclear, high amount of myopia, presbyopia, the small holes
produce clear vision when wearing the pinholes. As vision improves
with practice of the Bates Method-Natural Eyesight Improvement the
person changes to larger hole pinholes and obtains the same or
better clarity as the small holes. As vision becomes clearer, use
of pinhole glasses is discontinued. The vision continues to
improve to 20/20 and better, perfect clarity. (The
Vision Training by Natural Eyes
and other pinhole
products are often taken off Amazon and reposted under a different
title. This causes all customer reviews to be removed. Many 1 star
reviews stating the glasses caused headache, eye pain, blurry vision
were deleted. The product is selling again and the first reviews
state that they cause headaches;
Training by Natural Eyes
20/20 and stronger clarity eyeglasses block vision improvement.
Avoiding eyeglasses is best, most healthy for the eyes and speeds
vision improvement. If eyeglasses are needed until the vision
level is clear for driving, safety at work, home.., this optical
company will allow you to send in your prescription for affordable
quality created weaker and weaker reduced eyeglasses by mail;
See complete directions for reducing the strength of your glasses
here; and
Pinhole Glasses Experiment and Survey Results;
Some Natural Vision Students and many Natural Vision Teachers tell
me that pinhole glasses are beneficial. Others
are strictly against them. I have completed experiments on myself
and surveys of other people that have used pinhole glasses.
Results myself, (I have normal 20/20 and
clearer vision without glasses, pinholes) and people in the survey
(with unclear vision) experienced;
Weird visual effects; indoor lights,
outside streetlights and other objects seen through the pinhole
glasses became multiple; triple, 4, 5… times the normal image.
Streaks and objects shaking, like an astigmatism effect. After
only 10-30 seconds use; dizziness; trouble orienting when walking,
moving, the head feels very uncomfortable, then a sudden strong
headache in the forehead, and the entire eyeballs inside and out
feel very soar, pain. (Almost like when a person with clear eyesight looks though strong
eyeglasses. Or when a person with blurry eyesight looks through
glasses that are too strong.) The eyes shape became big, kind of
bulging and a uneven shape with a very tense look after wearing
the pinholes. When I took the pinholes off; my vision was lowered.
Another effect; when you move, turn the head and eyes; objects in
the visual field shake and a screen like mesh of thousands of tiny
black dots appear, like static on a old TV screen or soot in the
air. This can prevent
natural movement of head and eyes; the person tends to lessen
head, eye movement to avoid these uncomfortable effects, but then
other effects occur when the eyes, head are still; areas of the visual
field are blurred, multiplied in other ways. Eye floaters can appear. It can
take about 30 min to an hour for the head, eye pain, blur to stop
after removing the pinholes.
Night vision is more impaired by the pinholes. Night vision use can result in more multiple images,
strange glare, streaks. The eyes pupil
becomes larger at night.
This has a strange effect as it tries to work with the pinholes.
In daytime the pupil is smaller so it might be blocking out
more of the strange effects of the pinholes but not much. And the
pinhole glasses act like sunglasses and enlarge the eyes pupil. Both day
and night vision is impaired by the pinholes.
These side
happen to people with normal sight, and people in the survey with
myopia, presbyopia, one with astigmatism.
For my personal experiment; I have clear vision. So; looking
through the pinholes may have been like wearing eyeglasses; my
eyes cannot accept glasses of any strength, even the slightest
prescription will be blurry, cause head, eye pain and blur.
Pinholes do this to people that don’t need glasses and people that
have unclear vision. This proves
that pinholes are much like eyeglasses, are not healthy.
In another experiment using only a white paper (no pinhole
glasses) with just a few holes in it;
Looking through the holes with both eyes; still causes tension,
headache... but a little bit less. With one
eye, one hole; no problem if peek through occasionally only for a
couple seconds.
one eye,
a paper with only
one hole seems best; helps to stop the
head-eye pain, dizziness… caused by imbalance of the left, right
eyes, disrupted central-fixation-visual axis’s that occurs when
using the pinhole glasses, trying to coordinate both eyes foveas
though the many pinholes, and moving across ‘trying to avoid’ the
solid areas. A paper with one hole is best. To construct it;
use a white paper. Tear off the edges so there are no sharp ends,
corners. Be careful; do not touch the paper to the eye or a paper
cut could occur, injuring the eye, cornea. Seal over the edges if
you like with a smooth substance. On the top of the paper, 1 inch
down, push the end of a small paperclip through it to make a
medium size hole. One inch below that; use a needle and make a
tiny hole. Make clean holes so there are not fuzzy edges covering
the holes. See picture > Look through the bigger hole with one
eye. If that does not bring clear sight, try the smaller hole. Do
not close the other eye. Just cover it with the hand or an
eyepatch. (Closing one eye causes tension in the face, eye
muscles.) Alternate using the left and right eyes so you don’t
overwork one eye. Using one eye all the time
also causes forms of imbalance in the visual system, left-right
eyes. So; using the pinhole effect through a paper, even with this
best option of only one hole, one eye is also only for brief,
temporary use. Do not use forever. A white non-shiny paper seems
to work better than the black shiny plastic pinhole glasses. Maybe
the white paper reduces the reflection of lights, glare and
lessens the darkness effect caused by dark shiny pinhole glasses.
Placing a white paper with holes over the
black pinhole glasses did not remove the negative effects.
A student and Natural
Vision teacher invented a long paper placed in front of the left,
right eyes; 2 holes in the paper. One hole per eye, directly in front
of the eyes' pupils.
Rip the edges of the paper so they are not sharp, do not cut the eye.
It worked. No strain;

My teacher Thomas Quackenbush (a true
Natural Vision Teacher) does not sell or advise pinholes.
He warns against them;
Avoid Unnatural Vision Teachers That Alter Dr. Bates Method!
vision teachers that sell pinholes solely to earn money do not
warn about all the side effects. They also state; to use natural
vision habits; shifting, central-fixation…when wearing the
pinholes. BUT; the
pinholes interfere with, impair these natural functions! So what
do we do? Answer; try not to wear the pinholes. Go without glasses
and pinholes as much as possible, and, without them ‘with
no interference’; practice true, complete Natural Vision
Do not
believe the misinformation some vision teachers give “stating that
pinholes block all refracted bent light rays, all peripheral rays causing only central rays
to enter the pinholes and eyes”. That statement is incorrect. The
true central ray is NOT refracted, so the pinholes do not need to
block central refraction. They do block the peripheral rays refraction,
but not all. There is one exact central ray coming into the eye
through the center of the pupil and it focuses on the fovea's
exact central pit. All other rays are peripheral, even the ones
focusing close to the fovea's pit, next to the central ray. The central ray is the ray that
moves directly, exactly, point to point upon the part of the
object the eyes are looking at. Nice and easy, thinking of, seeing
one thing at a time. This is relaxation, perfect central-fixation
with shifting 'centralizing' for clear eyesight. (Exact
description, precision of the visual axis, fixation axis, optical
axis, line of sight, pupillary axis, light rays, precise
refraction, focus by the cornea, anterior chamber, lens, vitreous... can be found in
Ophthalmology, Optometry books. This diagram is simplified.)
The true
function of pinhole glasses is; they cut down on some of the
unfocused light rays in eyes that need eyesight improvement. They
cut down on the peripheral rays in the peripheral field and the
peripheral rays that are very close to the exact central field;
near, in the macula and in the fovea, near the fovea pit. Peripheral
rays are refracted, bent. The central ray that focuses on the
exact fovea pit is not refracted. It travels straight into the eye
to the center of the fovea. This is the visual axis ray,
works with your line of sight, point of fixation. The exact
central ray. (See ophthalmology books for precise detailed
placements...) That main one central ray is important for very clear
vision, perfect central-fixation. Pinholes often block it as
described in this article. Correct placement of all rays in the
eye, central and peripheral produce perfect vision. There are
still some peripheral rays coming in through the pinholes onto the
peripheral areas of the retina and some are close to the central
ray 'as the fovea looks
through a pinhole', but they are truly
peripheral, not central. Rays coming in from all areas of the glasses where you are not looking
directly through are peripheral and will land on the peripheral
areas of the retina. A peripheral ray can ‘become a central
ray' when you turn and look directly at that part of an object the
ray is coming from; when you face it directly, then the ray turns
into central and focuses on the fovea's pit. If
something in your peripheral field attracts the mind-eyes
attention; you turn the eyes-head and face-look directly at it,
placing it in the central field. The central field is clearest.
Teachers that
tell students to think of many central rays in all areas of the
visual field, 'many central rays
focusing on the retina, macula, fovea, and fovea's pit' are giving their students
incorrect, confusing
training that results in diffusion, tension and unclear sight.
Diffusion=eccentric fixation, the opposite of central-fixation.
Diffusion=trying to see 2 or more points 'parts of a object'
equally, perfectly clear at the same moment. Avoid this. The true natural vision
function is; the fovea's pit moves continually as the eyes-mental
attention move
part to part
upon a object and from object to object. 'Shifting and
central-fixation; centralizing'. Prove it; look at a
part of a object and try to see all its pieces at the same time
equally clear without moving the eyes, not moving the fovea's pit
from piece to piece. Note a feeling of spacing out-pulling of the
eyes, brain in 2, 3, 4... different directions occurs. Tension,
strain and pain are felt in the eyes, head, body and the vision lowers.
Now, use the vision correct; look at one piece at a time, and
shift the eyes-visual attention 'fovea's pit' from one piece
‘small part’ to another, seeing each in turn clear; the part the fovea is
presently moving upon is clearest. This is easy, relaxing and
brings clear eyesight.
I have researched 7
ophthalmology, optometry books. Pictures of the eye show the
central ray as one straight ray, not refracted and it focuses on
the center of the
fovea. One picture in a teacher's book shows one central ray but
says there are central rays
on the fovea. Pictures are often simplified, not showing exact
functions. There are many rays focusing on the macula, fovea in
the human eye and all could be considered central, but the ray in
the center of all these rays is the exact central ray, the one
used for detailed fixation by the center of the fovea. The ray
that is coming from the tiny part of the object the eye's center
of the fovea is looking at. The fovea-eyes continually move upon
the object, moving over parts keeping the entire object perfectly
clear. Note; the part the fovea is presently moving upon, even if
only for a fraction of a second is always most clear; much
clearer than 20/20. I find it best,
easiest for producing clear vision to consider all rays focusing
in the fovea that are not in the exact
even the rays very close to the central ray,
to be almost central but truly peripheral
and refracted, very slightly refracted but still refracted. The
one tiny central ray in the center of all these rays is the true
central ray and is the ray that provides microscopic
central-fixation, very clear detailed vision, seeing tiny parts of
a object clear at any distance. Example; Look at two tiny fine or
microscopic print periods close together side by side.
.. When the
vision is clear, functioning normal, the one period the eyes are
presently looking directly at 'fixed upon' by the fovea-central
ray is seen darkest black and clearest. It’s ray is in the central
field, the fovea’s pit. Experiment; How small is the exact central ray? Prove that there
are peripheral rays close to the central ray;
Look at two tiny dots side by side;
(you can start with larger dots and spaced further apart, then
proceed to tiny fine and then microscopic print dots and placed
closer together.) Look at the dot on the left side <. If the
vision is clear, functioning normal, then the dot the eyes (center of the
fovea) is looking directly at, 'left dot' is darkest black and
clearest. It is the object fixated, in the central field. The
exact central light ray coming from that dot (to be even more
exact; the tiny part of the dot your looking at. Central-fixation
can go even smaller!) focuses on the center of the fovea.
The other dot on the right side > the dot your not looking
not fixed is in the peripheral field and is seen less clear.
Peripheral rays are coming from that dot and focusing near the
center of the fovea, close to the central ray but not on the exact
same area as the central ray.
Next; look
directly at the dot on the right >. Now that dot is in the central
field, is seen dark black and clearest. The exact central ray is
now coming from that dot and focuses onto the center of the fovea.
The < left dot is now in the peripheral field, emitting peripheral
rays and is less clear. This experiment can
be done on close and far objects. See how small you can go; shift
part to part on a fine, then microscopic
period or an
seeing one tiny part darkest black and clearest at a time in
the true, exact central field. That's the central ray, center of
the fovea moving upon that part.
How small is the central ray? Doctor Bates says to not place
limits on your vision; “The fact is that the nearer the point
of maximum vision approaches a mathematical point, which has no
area, the better the sight.”
(There's a lot of
mathematics, geometry... going on outside and inside the eye. An
ophthalmologist, optometrist can explain all of this perfectly,
the exact focus-position of the eye, rays on the fovea...)
experiment proves that peripheral rays also enter through the
pinhole glasses holes.
See the
central-fixation chapter for more examples;
Central-fixation is the true Bates Method; look at one part of a
object at a time. (Let the peripheral take care of itself.) Think
of one central ray landing on that fovea pit in the back center of
the retina producing your exact central field; where the eyes
fovea pit is moving upon, on the part of the object of
visual-mental attention. This is relaxing, easy and produces clear
sight. The eye, fovea moves continually. The fovea pit enables you
to see fine tiny details of close and far objects very clear.
Use no effort to do this.
Don't try to be perfect. The eyes do all of this automatically.
Forget about your eyes. Just look at what you want, enjoy
the scenery. Relax. Practice, then don't practice; let the
eyes-vision do shifting, central-fixation
completely natural 'on their own'. When you learn to
do this with no glasses, no pinholes; you are free, the vision
remains clear.
(This article is a bit repetitive. I will condense it all in the
future. For now its pretty much done, I want to get this
information out
to the public. I apologize for some of the large text on
this website. Small print is healthy for the eyes. But I have to
choose a bit larger size for the students that cannot see the
small print. To see in small print; change the Internet browser
font or webpage zoom settings. )
Many examples, directions for
central-fixation, shifting and all natural vision functions,
practices are in Dr. Bates book and magazines. Free in original
and modern editions on this website.