Bates Method FREE 'Do It Yourself'
Training for Perfect, Clearer Than 20/20 Eyesight. Correct Myopia,
Presbyopia, Astigmatism and Other Eye-Vision Conditions Without
Eyeglasses, SurgeryPERFECT SIGHT WITHOUT GLASSES Dr. Bates Original 1920
Book in the Antique Print - FreeSEE
BETTER NOW! Perfect Clearer Than 20/20 Vision at all Distances,
Close and Far! Quick Easy TrainingCOPYRIGHT,
DISCLAIMER, DIRECTIONS Ophthalmologist Bates Life History, Natural
Eyesight Improvement Experience. AVOID the Harmful 'Plus Lens' Eyeglass
Method! Dangers of Laser Cornea Surgery, Most Cataract Surgeries, Contact
Lenses. Avoid un-natural teachers illegally using our books,
website title, videos
CONTACT, Phone, Address - Question Answer Page. Video; Dangers,
Blindness, Vision Problems Caused by Cornea Laser Surgery, Contact
Lenses. AMAZON.COM, Barnes & Noble... CUSTOMERS20
FREE Bates Method, Natural Eyesight PDF E-Books; Direct Link to the
Download Page. Thank-You For 12 Years Support!BOOKSTORE
Paperback Books by Dr. Ophthalmologist William H. Bates, Emily Lierman,
Other Doctors and Teachers. Eyecharts, Videos-Free Training. EFT
- Emotional Freedom Technique, Acupressure and Color Breathing...
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Improvement PDF E-Books
GOOGLEBOOKS; Natural Eyesight
Improvement PAPERBACK and E-BOOKS. Read 100% Internal Pages
BOOKS - Paperback, Kindle.
Variety of Natural Eyesight Improvement Books, Training by Different
Teachers. Iridology, Breathing, Nutrition, Body Movement and Relaxation
Tools, Strengthen the Mind, Spirit... Self-Help. Better Eyesight
Magazine, Books by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates. Shop at
Amazon and Other New and Used Paperback Bookstores
- Pros and Cons, Mostly Cons. AVOID!Vitamins,
Minerals.., Eye Health Vitamins; Bilberry, Lutein... Ming Mu Di Huang Wan
Ancient Chinese Eye Formula for Healthy Eyes, Body, Liver, Clear
Eyesight. Neck Muscle Relaxation. Health BooksTRANSLATOR
Convert Website Pages, E-Books to Other Languages. Audio; Hear in
English, Spanish... Blind; Listen, Learn Without Reading
HISTORY The Bates Method, Natural Eyesight
Improvement - Best Teachers, Books, Websites, Blogs, Training, variety of
Information. 1800's, 1901 to Present Date
BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates',
Introduction. 132 Issues, July 1919 to June 1930. Original Training,
Cures from the Eye Doctor that Discovered Natural Vision Improvement
BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE - Entire 132 Issues on One Page or Link
to the Main Magazine Website, Individual Monthly Issues. Read, Listen
Free on the Internet in any LanguageAUDIOS
For the Blind, Low Vision - Better Eyesight Magazine Treatments;
Myopia, Presbyopia, Cataract Glaucoma, Retina Health, Strabismus,
to My Mom Nancy
Native American
Videos - Natural Life=Clear Sight
SKYPE, GOOGLE Live Video on the Internet - Telephone Natural
Eyesight Improvement Training. Student and Group Training
1 -
Natural Eyesight Training Starts Here, Page #1 to #40.
Laser Eye Cornea Surgery, Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses2
- STRONG EYEGLASSES = Addiction, Progressive Vision, Eye
Eye Health Improvement. EYEGLASSES Low Cost Reduced
20/40, 20/50 Weaker Prescription Lenses by Mail & Behavioral
Optometrists. Pass the Drivers License Eyesight Exam - Practice
on the Govt. RMV, DMV... Eyecharts
3 -
HUMAN EYE Function, Anatomy, Light Rays, Cornea, Iris-Pupil, Lens,
Retina, Macula, Fovea, Optic Nerve, Eye Muscles...4
- Front View of Eye. Pupil, Iris, Ciliary, Lens, Sclera.., Outer
Eye Muscles; Oblique, Recti. THE EYE CHANGES LENGTH LIKE A CAMERA (with
5 -
Other Relaxed, Natural, Correct Eye-Vision Functions. The
Play with the Moving Pointer to get the Eyes Shifting, Relaxed. Move with
the Figure Eight.
6 - CENTRAL-FIXATION - Central Vision
'Centralizing'. See Clearest with the Center of the Visual Field. Combine
With Shifting. The Central Field MOVES as the Eyes, Mind-Attention Move
- CENTRAL-FIXATION STICK Use the Gate to Find the Exact Central
Field and Move it. Test for Balanced Eyes, Vision.
8 -
MEMORY AND IMAGINATION Improve the Mind, Eyesight, Body, Sprit.
Eye-Vision 'Visual System' Functions10
at All Distances. Bates Method Combined with Behavioral Optometry,
Relaxed Eye Exercises11
- WARNING - Avoid Artificial 3-D Fusion Pictures, Repetitive Eye
Exercises; 'Autostereograms, 'Magic Eyes'
DISTANT EYESIGHT Eyechart Pictures From Dr. Bates Medical Articles14
- THE FIGURE EIGHT (Infinity Swing)Left and Right Brain Hemisphere
Activation, Integration, Neck, Body Movement, Relaxation15
- THE SWAY, 'Rock', LONG SWING, CROSS CRAWL and Other Movement,
Relaxation, Body-Brain Activities For Clear Eyesight16
18 -
SACCADIC SUNNING With Tree, Fence, Nosefeather, Swing, Rocking
Chair, Oppositional Movement19
Eyesight Magazine and Perfect Sight Without Glasses
20 -
SPINE, BODY, CHAKRAS 'Energy Centers, Pathways'
21 -
RELAXATION METHODS; PALMING, Color Visualization, Breathing,
Energy Circulation, Alpha, Theta, Delta Deep Relaxation Chart
22 -
COLOR, COLORED LIGHT TREATMENT; Antique Colored Glass Bottle,
Sunlight, Color Changing Angel Lamp for Night-time
23 -
NEAR VISION; Clear Eyesight at Close Distances. READ IN FULL
and Microscopic Print Clear. Natural Presbyopia Cure, Prevention.
For Clear Close and Far Vision. THUMB- FINGER MOVEMENT, 'OPPOSITE SWING'25
- NIGHT VISION See Clear in Lower light, Moonlight. Cones,
Rods in the Retina, Visual Purple
26 -
- STRABISMUS Crossed/Wandering Eyes Correction
28 -
GOOD POSTURE For Relaxed Body, Shoulders, Neck, Eye Muscles,
Balanced Movement and Clear Eyesight29
Chiropractic Treatment Vs. Physical Therapy, Massage. CHIROPRACTIC
Causes Stroke, Blindness, Death, Paralysis... Videos
30 -
PHYSICAL THERAPY - For Relaxed Body, Shoulders, Neck, Head and
Clear Eyesight. Vertebrae C-1 Top of Neck to C-5 Upper Spine
31 -
ACUPRESSURE POINTS, MASSAGE Face-Eyes, Head, Neck, Shoulders,
Back, Body, Hands, Feet... for Muscle Relaxation, Balanced, Moving
Chi... Energy and Clear Eyesight. EFT
32 -
NUTRITION For Healthy Eyes, Clear Eyesight. Grow Your Own
Bilberries, Blackberries, Spinach, Kale, Corn, Dandelions, Flowers,
Carrots... For Healthy Retina, Lens...33
- For Pilots - Aviators - Better Eyesight Magazine.
Warning; Avoid The Plus Lens-Anti-Corrective Method.
34 -
STORIES FROM THE CLINIC by Emily C. A. Lierman, Bates. Dr. Bates
Assistant, Wife for Many Years in His New York City Clinic, Offices...35
Bates Original 1919 Book. And; 'Use Your Own Eyes', 'Normal Sight Without
Glasses' by Dr. William B. MacCracken M. D., 'Strengthening The Eyes' by
Bernarr MacFadden, W. H. Bates. Optometrist Harold M. Peppard, Monroe
Hirsch, O.D. Ph. D. E-Books, Videos36
- Clark Night - (Mary Iva Oliver) Natural Eyesight Improvement School,
Courses Certificates, Receipts. 1st Book Copyright 1996+
37 -
Clark Night -(Mary Iva Oliver) Drivers Licenses, Family Photos -
No Glasses, Proof of Clear Vision. Govt. Directions for Eyesight Test
38 -
Blind, Visually Disabled Achieve Independence - Guide Dog
Schools, DAV, Perkins School For The Blind
39 -
NEW STUFF! What's Up in the Natural Eyesight Improvement World?
Lasik, Contact Lens Warning Videos. Corrupt Teachers, Author's Teaching
Incorrect, Harmful Methods, Steal Manuscripts, Hack Honest Teachers
Computers, Try to Hide the True Bates Method and Charge High Prices40
- VIDEOS - Natural Vision Improvement and Other Topics
PAGE Post a Comment, Ask Questions, State Your Opinion,
Share Dr. Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement Experiences.
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REVIEWS, Comments on, The Best Books,
Teachers. + How to Avoid Harmful Methods. +Write
a Review of Your Favorite Books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indie,
page #1 For E-books in Event the Download Page Traffic is Too High
Causing Slow Connection.
Password Page #2 Extra books For Blind Persons That Prefer a
Private Page, Special Requests
in Worcester, MA Purposely Misaligning
Neck Bones, Spine... in Order to Sell Hundreds of Follow-up Treatment.
Causing Paralysis, Stroke, Vision, Hearing Impairment, Stroke, Death

Second Choice if food source is not available; buy a
food, vitamin supplement.
Pictures below show vitamins.., brands I
have used with benefit.
Search health food stores for
the best, high quality nutrients.

(UPDATE- 2024: Avoid Nature's Bounty. They were great,
but like many products-they are now owned by a new
business that has impaired the ingredients. Choose
carefully. Nature's Way... so far is good.) Nutrients for healthy
eyes, liver, kidneys, nerves.., clear vision. B vitamins,
corn silk, dandelion, milk
thistle, bilberry, lutein...
Read the Nutrition chapter.
I prefer Magnesium on the
skin from Epsom Salts for relaxation of
the mind, body, neck muscles. Drink water! Also from fresh vegetables,
food. Magnesium, calcium helps prevent teeth
cavities, keeps bones strong along with a good diet. Get
them from food. Too much magnesium from pills can cause muscle
weakness. Calcium pills can cause deposits on the bones,
joints, heart, kidney stones, in the circulation... Eat real FOOD!; Yogurt,
cheese, greens...
Ming Mu Di Huang
Wan Tea pills
 Improves liver, kidney, eye health, clarity of vision. Ancient
Chinese Formula. Hard to find with pure ingredients. 'Chinese Herbs Direct' sells chemical free herbs. Read the label, ingredients
for each product. Contact customer service if needed to verify the best, pure products. They sell different brands so check
for the brand shown here or in the PDF and pictures below and double check all ingredients. (Chinese
Herbs Direct does not allow website links. Do a Google search.)
The author of this website (Clark Night)
has used the formula below for many years and always obtained clear vision and improved health.
Ask for Organic, Chemical Free only.
I have experienced migraine headaches, lowered vision when consuming a formula from a retailer that lies to
me; "says
it is chemical free, organic". But it is not. Only the pure formula is healthy. It improves, increases blood flow to
the head, eyes. Check with your doctor first if you have any health condition or may be allergic to certain herbs, food, combinations.
Read the instructions
on the 'Chinese Herbs Direct' website and other brands, sellers below. If they are out of the organic, chemical free formula, seek other retailers. Click the PDF link for ingredients;
Ming Mu Di Huang Wan PDF Ingredients,
Information-Click Here
Vitamins, nutrients on this page are from low
to medium cost vitamin stores. Some are organic. I have used vitamins, herbs from these stores with benefit. Please read
Nutrition Chapter 36
on this website. It
lists healthy nutrients.
Do not buy/consume Eyebright, Kava-Kava, Bilberry
Leaf, Black Cohosh and other herbs that
have side effects, health dangers. Avoid
herbs... that
have extra ingredients, herbs added, unless you know the product/ingredients' safety.
Check with your nutritionist, doctor;
do research on products you plan to purchase and read the product
label for ingredients, directions from the vitamin stores
and doctor before purchase, use. Also, search for information on products, herbs, vitamins... from people/websites that are
not selling the products. People that tell the truth about side effects. See links
at the bottom of this page. Be aware that some sources are drug companies trying to hide the
truth about the benefits of herbs, vitamins, natural medicine. Many
search engines have censored the internet, filling it
with sales ads that appear as a honest forum, but
they are not. Many sources do not know/list all side effects.
around. It's hard to find a honest webpage, health food store; sometimes the
expensive brands are better. Sometimes the low cost ones are
best. Wal-Mart used to sell a very good Milk Thistle. This weed
is healthy for the liver. The health, function of the liver, spleen,
kidneys, digestion... affects the eyesight. This was the best milk
thistle! I lost the bottle and then Wal-Mart changed to a less
effective brand. I finally found a very good milk thistle on Amazon;
Nature's Bounty.
I met a senior citizen
lady at the bus stop one day in Worcester,
Massachusetts. She cured her cataracts, blurry
eyesight with lutein and other vitamins from Puritans
Pride, a popular low cost mail-order
vitamin store. She never heard of the Bates Method. She refused to
wear glasses due to her own instinct, life experience.
Pictures on the left show
another product, seller. They have been in business
for many years. Beware of imitators. The formula
seems correct, true. BUT; this one I bought recently
also contains talc, china wax. So, I have not tried
it. Talc can contain asbestos (cause cancer...) And
contains silica.
Silica might be as silicates; cause migraine
headache... It is hard to find a pure, correct formula! A honest
Chinese Medicine doctor may contact a honest seller in
China to buy the pure ingredients, correct formula.
See the original true
formula, product I bought in San Francisco years ago;
search for it (Ming
Mu...) in the
Natural Eyesight Improvement book embedded on
the bottom of this page.
Search for more
information here;
WebMD is very helpful but remember they
prefer to sell drugs.

Occu-Plus; A effective eye health vitamin/nutrients formula.
Picture shows the old original bottle ^. I am trying to
find the original
ingredients label.
The picture above-left
lists the newest 2019 formula.
It might be original. A couple additives I don't like. I
prefer a fresh vitamin E. Healthy oils. I am not an expert on
all vitamin sources. Ask a Natural Medicine doctor for the
best, unaltered vitamins, minerals... Many of the nutrients
in this formula are healthy. Its a
good example to start from. I like the marigold,
bilberry, beta-carotene... When I used the formula in the
past the color of the powdered
ingredients in the capsules was yellow. The
red/purple bilberry color is also necessary; its one of
the things bilberry has that is healthy for the eyes. Click the picture to see the
entire label.
Also eat
dark red/purple bilberries; fresh,
frozen, dried, in powder form (see top of
Organic, fresh
bilberries are best. Bilberry has a dark
red/purple color. Maybe some blue. The juice is dark
red/purple. Very healthy. Bilberry improves the eyes'
health, day/night vision, adjustment to light/dark,
strengthens the eyes' retina, capillaries. Used by pilots in WW2.
Do not eat
bilberry leaf. Eat only bilberry
fruit; the berries. I
do not have experience on the safety of bilberry leaf.
Some sources state; it should not be eaten. It is safe, healthy
to eat the berries. Search for organic
bilberry plants, seeds. Organic fresh berries contain
seeds that grow well. Avoid GM0, sterile seeds.
wild blueberries is healthy, possibly close to bilberry.
Put them in a glass of water for 10 minutes. Then eat the berries and drink
the dark red/purple juice.
Kelp is healthy.
Digestive Enzymes; a natural heartburn cure. Helps the body absorb nutrients, digest food.
Do not become dependent on the enzymes. A
healthy diet, natural fiber, water is best.
Wormwood; A herb used in Mexico, Europe,
Poland... It kills/removes parasites... that get in the
intestines, liver, body from contact with tainted water,
soil. Use carefully! Do not use it all the time. It can
be toxic. Avoid wormwood oil. Eating fresh
Aloe Vera gel is healthy
for the stomach, intestines. On the skin; it can help heal
When purchasing food,
vitamins, cosmetics...; do
research to be sure the item is sold/shipped by the
original company that created it. Do not consume food...
from strange people selling on the Internet. Example; Occu-Plus
must be made, sold, shipped by The Vitamin Shoppe or a TRUE
Vitamin Shoppe store on Amazon...
Amazon might have a 800 number to double check
information for products, sellers. Do not buy products
from China... unless you know the seller, are referred by
a trusted Chinese or other Natural Medicine doctor. China
and some other countries have placed toxic chemicals, poisons in their food, toothpaste, herbs, products.
and it's Nutrition Chapter has most all of the content
on this website, more
information and a Chinese digestion formula that is so
perfect, healthy that corrupt drug companies shut it down! Still
made, selling in the HONEST Chinese underground;
See the book;
Do It Yourself - Natural Eyesight
Improvement The
book is 100% view embedded below by GoogleBooks. Search
in it for the Nutrition chapter; 27 - Nutrition.
Greens, Alfalfa,
Cranberry for blood, kidney... health. The kidney, liver,
gall bladder, spleen's health affects eye health
and the clarity
of vision. Dandelion root-stem-leaf-flower, Milk Thistle,
Beet Root are healthy for the liver.
Avoid Milk Thistle that has potassium bicarbonate, citric
acid, calcium and other ingredients added. They
destroy the natural liver purification/protection,
digestion... healing effects of the herb. Get
a complete vitamin-mineral-nutrients formula, all natural
from food. Get iron separately, from food. A food source
supplement if necessary. Iron deficiency causes weakness,
eye floaters, other health problems. Too much iron causes
side effects. Avoid eyebright
Avoid all herbs that cause side effects. Check
the ingredients of vitamins, herbs, food before purchase.
Avoid sulfites, nitrites, MSG, hidden MSG (yeast extract,
protein-whey-corn... extract/concentrate,
fake natural
flavors...), other chemicals. They cause migraine
headaches with flashing lights, blind spots in the
visual field, blurry vision, impaired memory... Avoid silicon dioxide,
magnesium stearate and other unhealthy additives. Try to
buy only organic, pure products. Go
to the original manufacturer for a list of the complete ingredients,
how to use
the product. Check with the FDA,
Medical and Natural Medicine doctors. WebMD
is pretty good at telling the truth about side effects,
overdose of
vitamins, herbs, food...
Many governments are corrupt, controlled
by drug companies.., will provide false information.
(Only some products on this page are organic, have only
perfect/healthy ingredients. Please check with a
honest health food store, nutritionist,
doctor for more options. These are what I can afford
to buy and test on myself before recommending. I like
them, but; if I had the money I would buy completely pure,
ingredients fresh from the farm! Natural food. No capsules,
additives... In fresh pure glass or a
healthy pottery...)
Raw Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
mixed with Raw Honey; cures arthritis in the body, back, neck, feet... Can
help cure gout along with a good diet, avoiding drugs. Removes crusty
deposits in the blood vessels, capillaries, joints... Blood,
lymph flows in. Waste, plaque... deposits flow out. The joints regrow. Many health benefits. Old
time farmers, country recipe. Honey, apple cider vinegar, any food, drink
must be in a pure glass container. No plastics!! ^ Paul and Patricia Bragg health books;
effective. People live over 100 years by using the Bragg Method.
Original country, farmers' health foods, life style. Also popular with Hollywood,
California movie stars' health routine. Buy directly from Bragg farm. Avoid
re-sellers, phony products on the Internet. The positive 5 star reviews on the
internet for the vinegar are
true, but only for the real non-diluted product from the Paul,
Patricia Bragg family farm and other true apple cider vinegar
farmers; buy only the dark brown apple cider vinegar
with the mother in it.
Looks like it has rust on the bottom. (CAREFUL;
Bragg business, products is now owned by a different
person, who is known for altering, 'impairing' natural
foods... I now use a different product, company. The
ORIGINAL Bragg books are good. Hopefully protected by
Copyright.) Add water to the
if it is too strong on your stomach and find a schedule; 2... days on, 1-2...
days off. Go by how you feel. It can also heal joints,
sore muscles by
placing the vinegar directly on the skin/joints a few
times daily or soaking the feet, ankles, hands, neck,
shoulders, back... in the vinegar for 30+ minutes 1-3 times
a day.
Heinz and Nature's Promise Raw, Organic
Apple Cider Vinegar from the grocery store is very good.
Many sellers, it is popular. Honey is healthy. Also
eat local honey; raw honey made from
the bees collecting the pollen from flowers, weeds, grasses,
trees... in your area; it creates a safe, chemical free natural
immunity to pollen allergy.
Note on peanut butter;
many peanut factory owners are crooks, sell peanuts with
bacteria, fungus... that cause intestine sickness, other
health problems. Even some natural and made fresh in the
grocery store brands are still unhealthy due to the peanut source. There
are a few peanut butter growers, factories that are clean, use
healthy peanuts, organic;
Once Again. I
never get sick eating their peanut, almond... butters.
Read their story about the adopted raccoons who love
their peanut butter. Be careful when choosing a brand,
seller; In the future a corrupt company might trick a honest one into selling
their business. Then; only the brand name exists. The
peanut butter then has bacteria, fungus, germs, mold... See
the program; American Greed. The peanut guy who made many
people sick, some died. He was sent to jail, but a new 'bad guy' is
running some peanut factories. Note on the 2
Natural Cures books by
Kevin Trudeau. A few things I don't recommend. I agree
with/like many things in his book. Lot of the cures work! He has
revealed much corruption in the food, drug... industry.
The book below is from
GoogleBooks. Pages from the Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
book. Many natural cures!;
Brewer's yeast. Another old
time farmer's health food. Buy the type that contains
vitamin B-12 added from food for a balanced B-complex.
Has Niacin, Choline, RNA/DNA, vitamins, minerals, high in protein,
amino acids, many nutrients for
body, eyes. The best yeast maintains natural hair color into old age.
Used with vitamin B-1; it keeps fleas, bedbugs, tiny mice
mites... away from humans, pets. (Don't give pets
too much B vitamins. It can cause overdose.) Doctors
state brewer's yeast has tyramine, it might cause
migraine headache in some individuals; persons with a medical condition, taking drugs. I
have eaten it for years; no headaches. Ask for Non-GMO,
soy free brands.
Whole dandelion; root-stem-leaf-flower is very
healthy. Cleans the liver, bile. If you have
gallstones; ask a doctor first. Find a
nutritionist and natural health doctor. Get food recipes,
natural medicine training from the old time farmers and
their wives in the USA and other countries. Native
Americans. Ancient wisdom, cures most doctors hide. Coffee substitute with chicory, barley, figs, beets...
Healthy PH and intestinal flora.
Prevents colds, flu. Buy non-roasted; See the state of California
cancer warning for roasting of
coffee... beans. Buy fresh and
naturally dried beans, leaves... Oat Bran, oats, wheat
germ is healthy. Middle East stores have healthy food;
tahini, chick peas, pure yogurt... Greek full fat yogurt is
a good source of calcium, natural probiotics. No sugar,
additives. Avoid non-fat. Sugar, nonfat, added
ingredients like gelatin, starch... alters/impairs the yogurt's
natural function, health benefits. A pure
yogurt kills unhealthy yeasts, candida. It can help cure,
prevent other female, male problems, tiny cuts on
sensitive areas of the skin. Place it on the skin too. The Amish soap
above is healthy; no chemicals. Prevents itching,
stinging skin from soaps that contain chemicals. Natural Menthol; no
migraine causing silicates, chemicals.
Green and colorful vegetable
powder from
food has natural vitamins, minerals...
Search for organic plant protein/greens formulas.
Only USA (or other trusted countries) grown/made
farmers, stores. Italy, Germany, China, Japan.., many countries have
healthy food. Real bread. Avoid
soy. True Orientals eat non-GMO
soy. Fermented.
Seaweed for natural iodine and other vitamins... must be consumed with
and before, after soy to prevent soy's thyroid hormone disrupting affects,
fatigue, gout...
and blocking of iron... absorption. Soy can cause health problems, impair
digestion, cause pain in the intestines, too much
estrogen, imbalance other hormones. It impairs
the vision, eyes' function with light; notice when
practicing Sunning (a Bates Method activity) after a
day or more of eating soy; the sun, its light will
look fuzzy, larger. Stop the soy; in about 2 days
the sun is normal shape, well defined. Avoid products containing Maca.
impairs the thyroid and other hormones, causes
fatigue. Avoid
eyebright, black cohosh, vitex (chasteberry). Many
berries... can cause migraine headaches, impaired
vision, hormone, chemistry imbalance, cause impaired
thinking; a dyslexia like effect, and other
health problems. Many herbs impair the health, but the health food stores do not list the
side effects. Eyebright causes vision, eye
health impairment but is sold in many health stores
and by some dishonest vision teachers. It is in
some eye drops. Very unhealthy. Most all eye drops are
toxic. Even the chemical free ones impair the eyes'
natural tears, oil, health. Its all about $, weeding
through the good and bad people. So choose
vitamins... carefully.
See my Amazon reviews for information on these and
other products, nutrients; the good guys and the bad
guys to avoid;
Click Here
Avoid marijuana in ALL
forms, including the 2nd hand smoke and vaping, and vaping's 2nd hand fumes. They cause inflamed,
swollen eyes, conjunctiva, cornea, blood vessels.., abnormal/low eye pressure, dry
and itching eyes, floating specks and lights in the
vision, abnormal light reflections and other reflections
in the eyes, astigmatism, blur, impaired defense
against pollen, dirt, smoke... Many eye, vision problems. This
also pertains to fumes, smoke from cocaine and other
drug smoking. Tobacco too, but the drugs, vape fumes
are worse in many ways.
A final note on diet; Some
people live healthy into the senior years, 100 years and
up. In my home town, Brookfield, Massachusetts;
country air, by a river. A lady; heavy set, lived
to 105, maybe longer. My mom told me; at 105 the lady
was still going to Florida on vacations on her own!
Auntie told me the lady would cook fresh hamburg in her
old (iron I think) pan on the fire in the natural
hamburg grease. No deep fried, rancid... oils. She
liked toast with marmalade (citrus peels have a
substance that keeps the blood vessels in the body,
brain strong). She shopped out of a old small town
market; Ken's. Had a dalmatian dog named Freckles, a
parrot name Polly who sang with her as she played the
piano. Neighbors up the street; the Gadaires; live
into and past 100 years. Playing guitar... on the
front porch. I remember when we were kids; would
visit and see a cake, pie on the kitchen table;
homemade food. Someone told me they used natural
soaps, glycerin, rose water. No chemical. I think
they also avoided deep fried, rancid... oils. We
could drink the water out of the facet back then. It
was pure. Genes/DNA, spirit/evolution plays a role, but the type of
food, lifestyle also brings a long healthy life.