PDF-Sunning, Sunlight on the Eyes Sclera & The Sunglass. Directions, Warnings-Do It Right!

Shining direct sunlight on the sclera, the outer white
part of the eye is a old treatment Dr. Bates applied to bring life, health, activity to the retina, cells, cones, rods, nerves
in the retina. Dr. Bates cured unclear vision and other eye problems, diseases with this treatment. People that
were blind or almost blind would begin to see light and obtain clear eyesight as result of this treatment and other Bates
1 - Face the sun with the eyes pupil directed away from the sun.
Allow direct full spectrum sunlight
to shine on the sclera, (white part of the eye) by pulling the upper eyelids up while looking down.
The sun shines on
the upper white area of the eye.
The pupil is down, under the lower eyelid as much as is comfortable to do so to prevent
direct sunlight from shining into the pupil.
the eyes side to side to move the sunlight over the entire sclera and retina through the sclera.
Keep sunlight on the sclera for a few seconds.
When pulling
the eyelid; do not touch the eye or eyelid. Pull on the skin above the eyelid.
Keep fingernails very short.
your hands first.
Do both eyes at the same time; left thumb pulls left lid, right thumb pulls right lid.
Pull gently.
This treatment also helps the eye build normal tolerance to sunlight, improves health and color of the sclera, perception
of light, color, clarity of vision.
- Now direct sunlight onto the bottom of the sclera;
Pull the lower eyelid down, move the eye/pupil up in the opposite
direction so the sun shines on the lower area of the sclera and not directly into the pupil.
Keep sunlight on the sclera for a few seconds.
Move the eyes side
to side.
The head/body may need to be tilted back a bit to keep sunlight on the lower sclera and away from the pupil.
Practicing this treatment
repeatedly can tense the eye muscles and irritate the eyelids, skin.
Use it occasionally, it is not a mandatory practice.
Dr. Bates
cured advanced eye problems by this method and, also applying the use of the Sunglass to increase the strength of the sunlight
on the sclera and retina through the sclera.
He moves the sunlight through the Sunglass quickly over the sclera for only
a second, few seconds, less than a minute.
also moves the sunlight through the Sunglass on/over closed eyelids.
Light is not directed into the pupil.
The light
is kept in movement and moved quickly on the sclera and not for too long in order to prevent over concentrating sunlight on
any one or more areas of the eye, to prevent overexposure, sunburn on/in the eye.
The patient can be exposed to plain sunlight first to get the eyes adjusted to the light.
Do not do this at home without a eye doctor's direction.
Done incorrect, it can burn the eye.
This must
be done by a Ophthalmologist experienced in the Bates method.
It is used mainly to cure blindness, advanced blur
and various eye problems.
Ophthalmologist Bates 'Better Eyesight Magazines' describe this treatment.
See; Better Eyesight Magazine; April, May, June, August, October, December, 1926
and November 1924 and other 'use of the sunglass' articles. Here is Better Eyesight Magazine article June 1926 in original form;