Basic Training    Advanced Training    Central-Fixation     E-Books-Free     Paperback  Books    Better Eyesight Magazine - Train Directly From Dr. Bates    Dr. Bates History, Teachers     Pilots - See Clear Naturally     Eyeglasses - 'Reverse Addiction To'    Contact - Phone, Video Chat
FREE 'Do It Yourself' Training for Perfect, Clearer Than 20/20 Eyesight. Correct Myopia, Presbyopia, Astigmatism and Other Eye-Vision Conditions Without Eyeglasses, Surgery
PERFECT SIGHT WITHOUT GLASSES Dr. Bates Original 1920 Book in the Antique Print - FreeSEE BETTER NOW! Perfect Clearer Than 20/20 Vision at all Distances, Close and Far! Quick Easy TrainingCOPYRIGHT, DISCLAIMER, DIRECTIONS
   Ophthalmologist Bates Life History, Natural Eyesight Improvement Experience. AVOID the Harmful 'Plus Lens' Eyeglass Method! Dangers of Laser Cornea Surgery, Most Cataract Surgeries, Contact Lenses.
    Avoid un-natural teachers illegally using our books, website title, videos
CONTACT, Phone, Address - Question Answer Page. Video; Dangers, Blindness, Vision Problems Caused by Cornea Laser Surgery, Contact Lenses.
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20 FREE Bates Method, Natural Eyesight PDF E-Books; Direct Link to the Download Page. Thank-You For 12 Years Support!BOOKSTORE    Paperback Books by Dr. Ophthalmologist William H. Bates, Emily Lierman,  Other Doctors and  Teachers. Eyecharts, Videos-Free Training.
    EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, Acupressure and Color Breathing...
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GOOGLEBOOKS; Natural Eyesight Improvement PAPERBACK and     E-BOOKS. Read 100% Internal Pages BOOKS - Paperback, Kindle. Variety of Natural Eyesight Improvement Books, Training by Different Teachers. Iridology, Breathing, Nutrition, Body Movement and Relaxation Tools, Strengthen the Mind, Spirit... Self-Help. Better Eyesight Magazine, Books by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates.
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PINHOLE EYEGLASSES - Pros and Cons, Mostly Cons. AVOID!Vitamins, Minerals.., Eye Health Vitamins; Bilberry, Lutein... Ming Mu Di Huang Wan Ancient Chinese Eye Formula for Healthy Eyes, Body, Liver, Clear Eyesight. Neck Muscle Relaxation. Health BooksTRANSLATOR Convert Website Pages, E-Books to Other Languages. Audio; Hear in English, Spanish... Blind; Listen, Learn Without Reading HISTORY                 The Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement - Best Teachers, Books, Websites, Blogs, Training, variety of Information. 1800's, 1901 to Present Date BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates', Introduction. 132 Issues, July 1919 to June 1930. Original Training, Cures from the Eye Doctor that Discovered Natural Vision Improvement BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE - Entire 132 Issues on One Page or Link to the Main Magazine Website, Individual Monthly Issues. Read, Listen Free on the Internet in any LanguageAUDIOS For the Blind, Low Vision - Better Eyesight Magazine Treatments; Myopia, Presbyopia, Cataract Glaucoma, Retina Health, Strabismus, Astigmatism...Dedication to My Mom Nancy Native American Videos - Natural Life=Clear Sight SKYPE, GOOGLE  Live Video on the Internet - Telephone Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. Student and Group Training  1 - Natural Eyesight Training Starts Here, Page #1 to #40.        MENTAL STRAIN, EYE MUSCLE TENSION CAUSES UNCLEAR EYESIGHT. Dangers of Laser Eye Cornea Surgery, Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses2 - STRONG EYEGLASSES = Addiction, Progressive Vision, Eye Impairment Verses REDUCED, WEAKER, TEMPORARY EYEGLASS LENSES = Vision, Eye Health Improvement.      
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     Pass the Drivers License Eyesight Exam - Practice on the Govt. RMV, DMV... Eyecharts   
3 - HUMAN EYE Function, Anatomy, Light Rays, Cornea, Iris-Pupil, Lens, Retina, Macula, Fovea, Optic Nerve, Eye Muscles...4 - Front View of Eye. Pupil, Iris, Ciliary, Lens, Sclera.., Outer Eye Muscles; Oblique, Recti. THE EYE CHANGES LENGTH LIKE A CAMERA (with the lens) TO FOCUS CLOSE- FAR 5 - DO IT YOURSELF NATURAL EYESIGHT IMPROVEMENT; Practice Shifting and Other Relaxed, Natural, Correct Eye-Vision Functions.
Play with the Moving Pointer to get the Eyes Shifting, Relaxed. Move with the Figure Eight6 - CENTRAL-FIXATION - Central Vision 'Centralizing'. See Clearest with the Center of the Visual Field. Combine With Shifting. The Central Field MOVES as the Eyes, Mind-Attention Move 'Shift'7 - CENTRAL-FIXATION STICK    Use the Gate to Find the Exact Central Field and Move it. Test for Balanced Eyes, Vision 8 - MEMORY AND IMAGINATION Improve the Mind,  Eyesight, Body, Sprit. PALMING, EFT9 - TEN CORRECT, RELAXED, NATURAL VISION HABITS Practice Normal, Eye-Vision 'Visual System' Functions10 - SWITCHING, SHIFTING CLOSE, MIDDLE AND FAR   For Clear Eyesight at All Distances. Bates Method Combined with Behavioral Optometry, Relaxed Eye Exercises11 - SWITCH CLOSE, MIDDLE, FAR ON THE THREE PENS IN A ROW.  THE BEAD (BROCK) STRING12 - WARNING - Avoid Artificial 3-D Fusion Pictures, Repetitive Eye Exercises; 'Autostereograms,  'Magic Eyes' 13 - EYECHARTS TEST AND IMPROVE CLOSE AND DISTANT EYESIGHT
    Eyechart Pictures From Dr. Bates Medical Articles
14 - THE FIGURE EIGHT (Infinity Swing)Left and Right Brain Hemisphere Activation, Integration, Neck, Body Movement, Relaxation15 - THE SWAY, 'Rock', LONG SWING, CROSS CRAWL and Other Movement, Relaxation, Body-Brain Activities For Clear Eyesight16 - THE ILLUSION OF OPPOSITIONAL MOVEMENT-'The Swing'17 - SUNLIGHT, SUNNING. SACCADIC SUNNING With Hands 18 - SACCADIC SUNNING With Tree, Fence, Nosefeather, Swing, Rocking Chair, Oppositional Movement19 - DR. BATES SUNLIGHT TREATMENTS, PICTURES - As Described in Better Eyesight Magazine and Perfect Sight Without Glasses 20 - SUNLIGHT, LIGHT ENERGY TRAVELS INTO THE EYES, OPTIC NERVES, BRAIN, SPINE, BODY, CHAKRAS 'Energy Centers, Pathways' 21 - RELAXATION METHODS;  PALMING, Color Visualization, Breathing, Energy Circulation, Alpha, Theta, Delta Deep Relaxation Chart 22 - COLOR, COLORED LIGHT TREATMENT;  Antique Colored Glass Bottle, Sunlight, Color Changing Angel Lamp for Night-Time 23 - NEAR VISION; Clear Eyesight at  Close Distances. READ IN FULL SPECTRUM SUNLIGHT, FINE PRINT HEALTHY FOR THE EYES - Reading, Seeing Fine and Microscopic Print
Clear. Natural Presbyopia Cure, Prevention. Book
24 - CORRECT, RELAXED NATURAL VISION HABITS CARD For Clear Close and Far Vision. THUMB- FINGER MOVEMENT, 'OPPOSITE SWING'25 - NIGHT VISION     See Clear in Lower light, Moonlight. Cones, Rods in the Retina, Visual Purple 26 - ASTIGMATISM TEST & REMOVAL, CHARTS, SWINGS27 - STRABISMUS Crossed/Wandering Eyes Correction 28 - GOOD POSTURE For Relaxed Body, Shoulders, Neck, Eye Muscles, Balanced Movement and Clear Eyesight29 - PATH OF LIGHT RAYS AND EYE MUSCLES, NERVES IN THE EYES, BRAIN, BODY.  Chiropractic Treatment Vs. Physical Therapy, Massage.
    CHIROPRACTIC Causes Stroke, Blindness, Death, Paralysis... Videos
30 - PHYSICAL THERAPY - For Relaxed Body, Shoulders, Neck, Head and Clear Eyesight. Vertebrae C-1 Top of Neck to C-5 Upper Spine 31 - ACUPRESSURE POINTS, MASSAGE Face-Eyes, Head, Neck, Shoulders, Back, Body, Hands, Feet... for Muscle Relaxation,  Balanced, Moving Chi... Energy and Clear Eyesight. EFT 32 - NUTRITION      For Healthy Eyes, Clear Eyesight. Grow Your Own Bilberries, Blackberries, Spinach, Kale, Corn,  Dandelions, Flowers, Carrots... For Healthy Retina, Lens...33 - For Pilots - Aviators - Better Eyesight Magazine.
    Warning; Avoid The Plus Lens-Anti-Corrective Method  
34 - STORIES FROM THE CLINIC by Emily C. A. Lierman, Bates. Dr. Bates Assistant, Wife for Many Years in His New York City Clinic, Offices...35 - THE CURE OF IMPERFECT SIGHT BY TREATMENT WITHOUT GLASSES Dr. Bates Original 1919 Book. And; 'Use Your Own Eyes', 'Normal Sight Without Glasses' by Dr. William B. MacCracken M. D., 'Strengthening The Eyes' by Bernarr MacFadden, W. H. Bates. Optometrist Harold M. Peppard, Monroe Hirsch, O.D. Ph. D.  E-Books, Videos36 - Clark Night - (Mary Iva Oliver)  Natural Eyesight Improvement School, Courses Certificates, Receipts. 1st Book Copyright 1996+ 37 - Clark Night -(Mary Iva Oliver) Drivers Licenses, Family Photos - No Glasses, Proof of Clear Vision. Govt. Directions for Eyesight Test 38 - Blind, Visually Disabled Achieve Independence -  Guide Dog Schools, DAV, Perkins School For The Blind 39 - NEW STUFF! What's Up in the Natural Eyesight Improvement World? Lasik, Contact Lens Warning Videos. Corrupt Teachers, Author's Teaching Incorrect, Harmful Methods, Steal Manuscripts, Hack Honest Teachers Computers, Try to Hide the True Bates Method and Charge High Prices40 - VIDEOS - Natural Vision Improvement and Other TopicsGUEST PAGE        Post a Comment,  Ask Questions, State Your Opinion, Share Dr. Bates Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement Experiences.
Other Things, Discussions... BOOK REVIEWS, Comments on, The Best Books, Teachers.                    + How to Avoid Harmful Methods.      +Write a Review of Your Favorite Books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indie, GoodReads...Password page #1 For E-books in Event the Download Page Traffic is Too High Causing Slow ConnectionPassword Page #2 Extra books For Blind Persons That Prefer a Private Page, Special Requests Chiropractors           in Worcester, MA Purposely Misaligning Neck Bones, Spine... in Order to Sell Hundreds of Follow-up Treatment. Causing Paralysis, Stroke, Vision, Hearing Impairment, Stroke, Death
Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement-Original and Modern Bates Method with Better Eyesight Magazine by Ophthalmologist William H. Bates.
Click the Pictures Below for YouTube Natural Eyesight Improvement Videos.
Videos are created from the 20+ PDF E-Books.
YouTube Channel;

Videos of Dr. Bates and Clark Night's books on Contains free training, color pictures, internal pages;

2019 and future - New Videos; Amazon Prime and other video, movie online and television sources in the UK, USA...;















 The Following Videos show Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Magazines,
 his Natural Treatments For Clear Eyesight and more Book Chapters. 






Better Eyesight Magazine and other videos on YouTube;  (Its easier to go to Youtube) Free Natural Vision Improvement2.avi Eight Correct Vision Habits - Quickie! Natural Vision Improvement Lesson.avi  Better Eyesight Magazines Free Natural Vision Improvement. Better Eyesight Magazines Adober Reader E-Book Video 6.avi Better Eyesight Magazines Adobe E-Book Video 5.avi Better Eyesight Magazines - Natural Eyesight Improvement - Shifting....mpg
Better Eyesight Magazines Medical Articles, Huxley, Macfadden
 Better Eyesight Magazines Video 2.avi Better Eyesight Magazines Video1.avi Natural Eyesight Improvement E-Book Video 2 Do It Yourself Natural Eyesight Improvement Original and Modern Bates Method www cleareyesight info Better Eyesight Magazine Original Pages

Natural Eyesight Improvement Training: Shifting, Central Fixation, Correct Vision Habits, Switching close, middle, far, Eye Chart Training, Close Vision, Night vision, Infinity Swing, Sunning, Palming,
Better Eyesight Magazines, E-Book Video Samples.
YouTube videos can be downloaded (with free Real Player SP) to play on computer and converted for Television. Or;
Download Camstudio free software 14MB and view the video with Camstudio's Movie Player 2.1 These videos were made with our website and E-books using Camstudio and newer clear videos with webcam and Camtasia. This webpage with links is included in our E-book for quick access to videos.

More videos in the future: Color Treatment/Energy Circulation with Abdominal Breathing, Reading Fine Print, Better Eyesight Magazines/Ophthalmologist Bates Articles, True Stories and Training...

Main link to all videos -

Facebook Videos Clark Night and others - Fun, Entertainment, Comedy!
There are some Yoga eye exercises on YouTube teaching to look to the left, right, up, down while keeping the head/face straight, not in the same direction the eyes move to and to force, stretch the eyes as far to the side, up... as possible. This is against Bates teaching, is the opposite of central fixation and prevents easy, relaxed eye movement, shifting and can cause eye muscle tension and unclear vision. The true, natural eye function is to move the eyes and head together, easy, relaxed with no force, no effort.  (It is normal for the eyes to move up, down... with or without moving the head/face when remembering something, figuring a task... This occurs when certain areas of the brain are activated by thought, emotion, creating mental pictures...)  
    Moving the eyes only (without moving the head/face with the eyes) up, down, left, right, circular... is a EFT  (Emotional Freedom Technique) exercise that activates/improves function of many areas of the brain and activates/integrates the left and right brain hemispheres and this does improve function of the visual system and the clarity of vision.  Its done very easy, light, no force, no strain. And you do NOT constantly keep the eyes in that position.

EFT is a new exercise for activating (Tapping) Karate, Acupressure/Meridian Energy Points on the body to release energy blocks, negative thoughts, emotions, stress.  Energy blocks create/maintain stressful thoughts, emotions which then contribute to more impaired energy flow in the body, brain, eyes. This causes tension, strain in the mind, body, eyes, eye muscles, neck and unclear vision.   Correcting energy flow and releasing negative thoughts, emotions with EFT relaxes tense muscles, removes strain in the mind/brain, improves health and clarity of vision.
      Click the links below for free EFT videos


Gary Craig EFT (Tapping) Founder, Free EFT Training;
Choose videos by Gary Craig, The True Founder;

    Gary Craig   EFT, PO Box 269 Coulterville, CA 95311   
    36808 Greencroft Close, The Sea Ranch, CA 95497   

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Introduction, magnustapping ;  He also has a website.

Country music videos; Music improves movement and relaxation of body, eyes, mind. Improves the memory, imagination.


website security
Questions or Comments? Contact us at; Clearsight Publishing Co. Click here for Google Map, Office... Google Business Website;
For Natural Eyesight Improvement help, contact us by Phone; 1-781-629-3903
Revere Beach, Worcester, So. Boston, Massachusetts, South San Francisco and San Francisco, CA 
CLEARSIGHT PUBLISHING CO. - DO IT YOURSELF - NATURAL EYESIGHT IMPROVEMENT &  are Duplicate Websites. Created to Preserve the Bates Method, Dr. Bates' Better Eyesight Magazine, Natural Eyesight Improvement on the Internet. Paid up before I retire for 50+ Years! (People in my will inherit the website, business.) This precaution was done after we were attacked by hackers 'competing authors, teachers' trying to shut down/stop publishing of this website, Ophthalmologist Bates' Better Eyesight Magazine website, free GoogleBooks, his and other Natural Eyesight Improvement-Bates Method teachers, authors' books, websites, discussion groups and publishing companies. Competitors try to sell Dr. Bates' Method for a high price. SiteLock and other defense protects this website.  Notice; I no longer do E-mail, Skype, Forums due to competing authors, teachers hacking my computer, abuse, taping the training and reselling it... Our services are strictly for people who truly want to improve their eyesight naturally and to learn the TRUE Bates Method. When I have time; I certify people to teach the Bates Method, but it must be with a in person test to be sure you know the method well, have improved your eyesight. People are trained by our books, website, videos, phone help. To learn the Bates Method; Start by studying the
Copyright, Directions, Disclaimer page. It also teaches how to detect/avoid unnatural-harmful methods, teachers. Read Dr. Bates' books and Better Eyesight Magazine 3 times. Imagine you are doing the practices he describes. And do them. My books (Clark Night) contain pictures and more descriptions, examples of Dr. Bates' Method. Also see the 4 books pages on this website for many Natural Eyesight/Vision teachers, books I endorse and the History page;

This site  The Web 



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