Training for Perfect, Clearer Than 20/20 Eyesight. Correct Myopia,
Presbyopia, Astigmatism and Other Eye-Vision Conditions Without
Eyeglasses, SurgeryPERFECT SIGHT WITHOUT GLASSES Dr. Bates Original 1920
Book in the Antique Print - FreeSEE
BETTER NOW! Perfect Clearer Than 20/20 Vision at all
Distances, Close and Far! Quick Easy TrainingCOPYRIGHT,
DISCLAIMER, DIRECTIONS Ophthalmologist Bates Life History,
Natural Eyesight Improvement Experience. AVOID the Harmful 'Plus Lens'
Eyeglass Method! Dangers of Laser Cornea Surgery, Most Cataract
Surgeries, Contact Lenses. Avoid un-natural teachers illegally
using our books, website title, videos
CONTACT, Phone, Address - Question Answer
Page. Video; Dangers, Blindness, Vision Problems Caused by Cornea Laser
Surgery, Contact Lenses. AMAZON.COM, Barnes & Noble... CUSTOMERS20
FREE Bates Method, Natural Eyesight PDF E-Books; Direct Link to
the Download Page. Thank-You For 12 Years Support!BOOKSTORE
Paperback Books by Dr. Ophthalmologist William H. Bates, Emily Lierman,
Other Doctors and Teachers. Eyecharts, Videos-Free Training. EFT
- Emotional Freedom Technique, Acupressure and Color Breathing...
View, Description, Directions for, link to 20 FREE Color Natural Eyesight
Improvement PDF E-Books
GOOGLEBOOKS; Natural Eyesight Improvement PAPERBACK and
E-BOOKS. Read 100% Internal Pages
- Paperback, Kindle. Variety of Natural Eyesight Improvement
Books, Training by Different Teachers. Iridology, Breathing, Nutrition,
Body Movement and Relaxation Tools, Strengthen the Mind, Spirit...
Self-Help. Better Eyesight Magazine, Books by Ophthalmologist William H.
Bates. Shop at Amazon and Other New and Used Paperback Bookstores
PINHOLE EYEGLASSES - Pros and Cons, Mostly Cons. AVOID!Vitamins,
Minerals.., Eye Health Vitamins; Bilberry, Lutein... Ming Mu Di
Huang Wan Ancient Chinese Eye Formula for Healthy Eyes, Body, Liver,
Clear Eyesight. Neck Muscle Relaxation. Health BooksTRANSLATOR
Convert Website Pages, E-Books to Other Languages. Audio; Hear in
English, Spanish... Blind; Listen, Learn Without Reading
HISTORY The Bates Method, Natural Eyesight
Improvement - Best Teachers, Books, Websites, Blogs, Training, variety of
Information. 1800's, 1901 to Present Date
BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE By Ophthalmologist William H. Bates',
Introduction. 132 Issues, July 1919 to June 1930. Original Training,
Cures from the Eye Doctor that Discovered Natural Vision Improvement
BETTER EYESIGHT MAGAZINE - Entire 132 Issues on One Page or Link
to the Main Magazine Website, Individual Monthly Issues. Read, Listen
Free on the Internet in any LanguageAUDIOS
For the Blind, Low Vision - Better Eyesight Magazine Treatments;
Myopia, Presbyopia, Cataract Glaucoma, Retina Health, Strabismus,
to My Mom Nancy
Native American
Videos - Natural Life=Clear Sight
SKYPE, GOOGLE Live Video on the Internet - Telephone Natural
Eyesight Improvement Training. Student and Group Training
1 -
Natural Eyesight Training Starts Here, Page #1 to #40.
Laser Eye Cornea Surgery, Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses2
- STRONG EYEGLASSES = Addiction, Progressive Vision, Eye
Eye Health Improvement. EYEGLASSES Low Cost Reduced
20/40, 20/50 Weaker Prescription Lenses by Mail & Behavioral
Optometrists. Pass the Drivers License Eyesight Exam - Practice
on the Govt. RMV, DMV... Eyecharts
3 -
HUMAN EYE Function, Anatomy, Light Rays, Cornea, Iris-Pupil, Lens,
Retina, Macula, Fovea, Optic Nerve, Eye Muscles...4
- Front View of Eye. Pupil, Iris, Ciliary, Lens, Sclera.., Outer
Eye Muscles; Oblique, Recti. THE EYE CHANGES LENGTH LIKE A CAMERA (with
5 -
Other Relaxed, Natural, Correct Eye-Vision Functions. The
Play with the Moving Pointer to get the Eyes Shifting, Relaxed. Move with
the Figure Eight6
- CENTRAL-FIXATION - Central Vision 'Centralizing'. See Clearest
with the Center of the Visual Field. Combine With Shifting. The Central
Field MOVES as the Eyes, Mind-Attention Move 'Shift'7
- CENTRAL-FIXATION STICK Use the Gate to Find the Exact Central
Field and Move it. Test for Balanced Eyes, Vision
8 -
MEMORY AND IMAGINATION Improve the Mind, Eyesight, Body, Sprit.
Eye-Vision 'Visual System' Functions10
at All Distances. Bates Method Combined with Behavioral Optometry,
Relaxed Eye Exercises11
- WARNING - Avoid Artificial 3-D Fusion Pictures, Repetitive Eye
Exercises; 'Autostereograms, 'Magic Eyes'
DISTANT EYESIGHT Eyechart Pictures From Dr. Bates Medical Articles14
- THE FIGURE EIGHT (Infinity Swing)Left and Right Brain Hemisphere
Activation, Integration, Neck, Body Movement, Relaxation15
- THE SWAY, 'Rock', LONG SWING, CROSS CRAWL and Other Movement,
Relaxation, Body-Brain Activities For Clear Eyesight16
18 -
SACCADIC SUNNING With Tree, Fence, Nosefeather, Swing, Rocking
Chair, Oppositional Movement19
Eyesight Magazine and Perfect Sight Without Glasses
20 -
SPINE, BODY, CHAKRAS 'Energy Centers, Pathways'
21 -
RELAXATION METHODS; PALMING, Color Visualization, Breathing,
Energy Circulation, Alpha, Theta, Delta Deep Relaxation Chart
22 -
COLOR, COLORED LIGHT TREATMENT; Antique Colored Glass Bottle,
Sunlight, Color Changing Angel Lamp for Night-Time
23 -
NEAR VISION; Clear Eyesight at Close Distances. READ IN FULL
and Microscopic Print Clear. Natural Presbyopia Cure, Prevention.
For Clear Close and Far Vision. THUMB- FINGER MOVEMENT, 'OPPOSITE SWING'25
- NIGHT VISION See Clear in Lower light, Moonlight. Cones,
Rods in the Retina, Visual Purple
26 -
- STRABISMUS Crossed/Wandering Eyes Correction
28 -
GOOD POSTURE For Relaxed Body, Shoulders, Neck, Eye Muscles,
Balanced Movement and Clear Eyesight29
Chiropractic Treatment Vs. Physical Therapy, Massage. CHIROPRACTIC
Causes Stroke, Blindness, Death, Paralysis... Videos
30 -
PHYSICAL THERAPY - For Relaxed Body, Shoulders, Neck, Head and
Clear Eyesight. Vertebrae C-1 Top of Neck to C-5 Upper Spine
31 -
ACUPRESSURE POINTS, MASSAGE Face-Eyes, Head, Neck, Shoulders,
Back, Body, Hands, Feet... for Muscle Relaxation, Balanced, Moving
Chi... Energy and Clear Eyesight. EFT
32 -
NUTRITION For Healthy Eyes, Clear Eyesight. Grow Your Own
Bilberries, Blackberries, Spinach, Kale, Corn, Dandelions, Flowers,
Carrots... For Healthy Retina, Lens...33
- For Pilots - Aviators - Better Eyesight Magazine.
Warning; Avoid The Plus Lens-Anti-Corrective Method
34 -
STORIES FROM THE CLINIC by Emily C. A. Lierman, Bates. Dr. Bates
Assistant, Wife for Many Years in His New York City Clinic, Offices...35
Bates Original 1919 Book. And; 'Use Your Own Eyes', 'Normal Sight Without
Glasses' by Dr. William B. MacCracken M. D., 'Strengthening The Eyes' by
Bernarr MacFadden, W. H. Bates. Optometrist Harold M. Peppard, Monroe
Hirsch, O.D. Ph. D. E-Books, Videos36
- Clark Night - (Mary Iva Oliver) Natural Eyesight Improvement School,
Courses Certificates, Receipts. 1st Book Copyright 1996+
37 -
Clark Night -(Mary Iva Oliver) Drivers Licenses, Family Photos -
No Glasses, Proof of Clear Vision. Govt. Directions for Eyesight Test
38 -
Blind, Visually Disabled Achieve Independence - Guide Dog
Schools, DAV, Perkins School For The Blind
39 -
NEW STUFF! What's Up in the Natural Eyesight Improvement World?
Lasik, Contact Lens Warning Videos. Corrupt Teachers, Author's Teaching
Incorrect, Harmful Methods, Steal Manuscripts, Hack Honest Teachers
Computers, Try to Hide the True Bates Method and Charge High Prices40
- VIDEOS - Natural Vision Improvement and Other TopicsGUEST
PAGE Post a Comment, Ask Questions, State Your Opinion, Share Dr. Bates
Method, Natural Eyesight Improvement Experiences. BEST FORUMS, GROUPSOther
Things, Discussions...
REVIEWS, Comments on, The Best Books,
Teachers. + How to Avoid Harmful Methods. +Write
a Review of Your Favorite Books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Indie,
page #1 For E-books in Event the Download Page Traffic is Too High
Causing Slow ConnectionPassword
Page #2 Extra books For Blind Persons That Prefer a Private Page,
Special Requests
in Worcester, MA Purposely
Misaligning Neck Bones, Spine... in Order to Sell Hundreds of Follow-up
Treatment. Causing Paralysis, Stroke, Vision, Hearing Impairment, Stroke,
Step # 2;
Join Google Plus+;
Step # 3;
Add to me your circles;
for my YouTube Channel (see picture below), or
profile on Google >
After clicking to
the YouTube channel, move to the top of the page
and click the G+ on top of the page;

# 4;
When you are ready, Contact me;
tell me to sign into Google to answer your questions,
start training. Up to 10 people at once can
communicate or private single person training.
(UPDATE: I had to lock the
GuestPage due to constant hackers from Milan Italy, Keiv
Ukraine and China constantly signing up and linking to
webpages with viruses and pornography pictures, videos.
Same old business competitors. In the future
when I retire around age 62 and have finished writing,
adding to my old and new books, movies, audios; I will
reopen the GuestPage to the public and be able to monitor
it 24/7 and have hire people to help. For now; its open
just to read it, download the extra free PDF books.) Got tired of eyesight groups,
forums allowing harmful methods, unnatural teachers to
post. Only 2-4 people and myself are on the groups, chat
all the time trying to warn people to avoid the unnatural
teachers, methods, trying to protect people from harm.
Some forums sell
ads and posts for lasik surgery, contact lenses, unnatural vision
schools, the dangerous Plus Lens-anti-corrective method...
(Called stress relieving but it causes stress, tension) These
methods, surgeries cause impaired
vision, blindness! There is
too much privacy; Posting names of computer hackers that
have attacked Natural Vision teachers is not allowed. In
March 2014 I was banned from speaking against, telling
the truth about the destructive Plus Lens method and
cornea lasik surgery on my favorite forum where I have
posted for many years, 1400+posts helping people obtain clear vision. That
forum is now ruled by eyeglass and eye surgery sales
people. Many of these forums, groups are labeled as
non-profit but this is false; the owners sell ads for lasik,
eyeglasses, contacts and other eye surgery, drugs, unnatural methods.
These methods, surgeries impair the vision, eyes health.
In June 2014 I was unbanned and it seems like some of
those eyeglass, lasik people have left, I HOPE. But I
later decided to never post on there again. The owner
uses members to keep the forum active, pulling in more
members while he and partners sit back collecting money
from the eye surgery, eyeglasses... ads. So, I
this GuestPage/Forum. Here you can totally vent your
opinion, state the complete truth and learn the true, Natural
Bates Method. Unnatural methods are not allowed.
The Gues Page is a special place solely for natural methods
and people that have a variety of questions. This way
many people can learn instead of me having to re-type the same answers, directions in e-mail privately for each
person. Individual training is still available when needed.
Option for your E-mail to not be posted and you may use a
For people that like to discuss Ophthalmologist
Bates Better Eyesight Magazine treatments, practices; The
original antique magazines,
Volume 1 are
placed on the bottom
of this page in a GoogleBooks previewer. Google viewer seems to
limit one book per webpage so Vol. 2 is linked for view on GoogleBooks
and Dr. Bates Magazines page below. Dr. Bates 132 main
Natural Eyesight Improvement practices are on
the bottom of the home page;
His magazines in text form with index for each year, month are here;
All books are here;
It took a while to find
secure Forum Software. (Reason is posted down this
page. Competitors try to invade the Forum) Members now
have a few options; Join the Forum or contact me on Google Hangouts
for a video chat;
or via YouTube;
You may record the video chat for future use.
Read the Directions, Copyright PDF on this page. Forum
also has video, audio reply to questions. Phone, Skype
always available.
When joining, posting a comment; send an e-mail to
with your forum name
so I may activate your membership, know who you are.
Place your first forum post in the e-mail. No spammers. I check ip's...
for safety. The GuestPage is for learning, gaining clear
eyesight ASAP. Weeding out phonies improves this service
and leaves more time for members.
purchased SiteLock virus, hacker protection for this website
and forum and apply additional security features; I prefer members to keep e-mail separate; members
who know-trust eachother contact through their personal e-mails only. Do not opt
for automatic e-mail Forum comments... Just log on yourself
to check for new comments, topics. Hackers can imitate, use
phony e-mails to hack computers. This is what happened to
well known Yahoo and Google Bates Method, Eyesight Groups. Competing
authors, eyesight teachers did that. Be careful who you
accept private messages from. Some Groups allow the same
person to post under 2, 3 names in order to increase member
count, drive traffic to the website. This will not be done
here. I studied how to block ip's of the bad guys. This benefits the atmosphere and security of the
Forum. A
few will sneak by as they change computers, cell phones, get
friends to post for them but they cannot do that forever. As
each new ip is blocked these guys will run out of options.
the old Yahoo group;
Keeping it only for people to link to the
free books
page on this website and this Guest Page. Yahoo, Google posts
advertisements for lasik cornea surgery, contact lenses, other
unnatural, harmful methods. I do not approve of this. I have noticed that Yahoo and some
other groups, forums allow the owner-moderator to edit
'change' members posts. They remove sentences or alter the
words, add things. This is not good, that practice
allows someone else to write under your name and alter the
way you teach, communicate. It can destroy a teacher's good
Our Guest Page, moderator will
never edit member's posts. A post might not be
approved if it contains unnatural methods that can impair the
vision but your posts will never be altered.
Be aware that my posts on
other forums, groups might be altered, deleted by the
owner without my permission. For this reason I no longer post on other Internet
forums, groups. Some are easily hacked by competing teachers-authors and
general crooks trying to get personal information. Some owners track, hack members computers. This invasion of
privacy will never occur on this Guest Page.
Here's the Guest Page Rules;
Will set new
members for posting without approval as I get to know them. For people that
join this group and post within the rules, are here to honestly help
people improve their vision naturally; you will not need your posts, topics approved.
Rules also help protect you when visiting other Internet groups, forums
and finding a teacher. One trusted
expert teacher is also a moderator.
All members must first read the Directions,
Disclaimer, and then sign, state in e-mail or on the Guest-Page that you have read, understand it;
Click Here
PDF GuestPage Rules, Bad Guys to Avoid on Internet - Click Here
No lasik or other
cornea eye surgeries advertisements, endorsements. No eyeglass lens
prescription implants.
(My warnings against eye surgeries do not
pertain to necessary eye surgery to repair an eye injury or advanced
condition that natural methods cannot cure; detached retina... Even
Ophthalmologist Bates applied surgery when needed.)
No Plus Lens,
Anti-Corrective Eyeglasses Method. Also called stress relieving glasses
(it really causes, increases stress in the eyes, eye muscles, retina,
lens, cornea, mind, entire visual system. It causes cataract, detached
retina, astigmatism, blurry vision, destroys the eyes health. )
Bifocal and their
plus lens gang are not allowed on this
Forum. I do
NOT endorse the unnatural Power Vision System. I WILL be
watching, so don’t sign on with a different name, then post nice to get
my approval, then start sneaking in Plus Lens and Lasik posts. You guys and
members have developed many eye, vision problems, Myopia, Presbyopia,
Astigmatism, Cataract, retina problems.., have had eye surgeries,
implanted myopia prescriptions into the eyes lens.., lasik on the
cornea, are addicted to eyeglasses, plus and minus; all due to that
harmful Plus Lens method. You ARE NOT allowed to post on here and harm
more people, children, pilots, seniors.
(Warning; the plus lens people
link to a unnatural teacher who uses a fake name, fake clinic address.
He is really a lasik... eye surgeon posing as a natural vision teacher. See how another group member
exposed him;
Frauenfeld Clinic in Austria doesn't
exist, and 'Alexander Frauenfeld' (commonly known as Alex Frauenfeld)
is in fact, Mark D. Meyer, M. D. from ...
Google search and PDF
CLICK HERE in case they remove the nice lady's post;
they did! Her and others threads, posts
telling the truth about the harm the Plus Lens method causes, how they
are affiliated with the
phony Frauenfeld Clinic, Lasik-cataract surgeons...
were removed from Marksdailyapple, other forums by the administrators. Read the PDF above ^ ;
I preserved her posts, links in the past suspecting this might happen,
but; even those links have changed; looks like the Lasik surgeon has
removed some of his pictures, changed addresses. Did 'someone'
threaten the forum owners, force them to remove the posts? A plus lens method user,
eyeglass seller developed
cataract 2 times, astigmatism, advanced myopia, presbyopia.
2 cataract
surgeries with myopia lens implant. Lasik on his cornea. Still wears
glasses. This is a surgeon he advises
and it might be his eye surgeon, lives in the same area.
Eyeglasses lead to eye problems and surgery. Don't allow these bad guys
on other forums, groups to fool you. Myself and others were
banned from posting this truth about the plus lens and Lasik people on
4 forums, groups. Lasik and eyeglasses lead to
impaired eye health, blindness. See video;
I encourage people
that have been harmed by the Plus Lens method, Lasik, Magic Eyes,
Contact Lenses, eyeglasses and other unnatural treatments to post your experience here. The
plus lens and other unnatural teachers, sales people do not allow truthful posts stating
the harm their methods cause. On our forum victims have complete
freedom to post their entire story and help warn others about the side effects.)
No contact
No ortho-keratology, Ortho-keratotomy...; using contact lenses to force the eye,
cornea to alter its shape. This can cause cornea injury, infection,
scarring, blindness.
unnatural cornea alterations,
implants of any kind. Contact lenses drops, solutions have been
contaminated with bacteria. Infection can enter the eye. People have
lost one or both eyes.
No Artificial 3-D; Autostreograms - Magic Eyes pictures, eye exercises;
these cause impaired vision, double vision, strabismus, dizziness and impair the
function of the brain with the eyes, eye muscles and other systems of
the mind, body, eyes. See warning
No ads for
sunglasses, colored, tinted lenses, UV blocking. The eyes need light! Full Spectrum, pure unfiltered
sunlight. A main practice taught by Dr. Bates.
No ads for eyeglasses, but; I do allow a few on-line eyeglass optical businesses because they work
with Natural Vision Improvement students, help them buy low cost, quality
and weaker reduced eyeglasses as their vision is improving
with practice of Natural Eyesight
Improvement toward the goal of complete,
permanent freedom
(No contact lenses.) See the PDF, Warnings on page;
(Zenni is now on the bottom of the list. See
the other 2 much better optical stores above Zenni.)
Eye drops are addictive and impair the eyes natural tear
production. No eye drops unless applied to cure an eye infection..,
injury, glaucoma... and prescribed by an Ophthalmologist. NOTE:
glaucoma medicine may need to be reduced or eliminated as the Bates
Method improves the eyes health, pressure. Always have the eye doctor
monitor the eyes and vision. Follow his, her advice, direction. No ads
on here. This is the eye doctor’s job.
No Natural Vision Improvement Teachers that
join groups only to advertise high priced training or their new books
(unless it's a really good book, complete natural method), high priced
Better Eyesight Magazine while they hide true, complete training, bully
people trying to learn and do not provide free or at least low cost
access to Dr. Bates Books, Magazines. Yes I am talking to the men in
(names removed to be 'nice' but WILL be given out if other teachers
contact me stating they had same problems with you guys!) and the few
brainwashed violent cult members
(who hacked my and other teachers computers... may times) and
post as S. Yung on Amazon writing false 1 star reviews of my teacher
Thomas Quackenbush
and my books;
They are on many internet groups, forums worldwide under a variety of
secret names (kazekage, kyazekage, Roy Folker...) being abusive and
hacking. The leader threatened to beat my teacher with a baseball bat. I will not put up with people who retaliate in this way because
disagreed with them on a group, forum, Amazon comment, book review.
They attack me because this website provides free books,
Better Eyesight Magazine by Dr. Bates.)
They sell the books, magazines for over $500.00. They want this website
and our paperbacks, free PDF books destroyed.
No bullies, ego, greed problems... allowed on this GuestPage! (I
have learned things from 'the bad guys' but their actions,
motives are detrimental to
students, teachers and they teach some things wrong, hold back full
training so others cannot learn, pass the method along.) The magazines,
books are here for the pubic to learn complete and free. Lets work
No unclean language, No sexual content
allowed. This includes in forum signatures, Avatars. No bashing the
USA. I am a citizen. I am against many of the corrupt medical
practices, drug, food industry... but I still love my country.
No ads for herbs,
vitamins… for the eyes or body unless approved. Many are toxic. Choose
carefully. No eyebright. No ads for cataract eyedrops cures. Some have
been posted on the news as poisoning the eyes. I have heard that one product
works but I have no experience so cannot chance posting it here.
No pinhole glasses sales
people. See the 'Pinholes Pros and Cons' Warning Page;
They are not perfect, they have many side effects. They block natural eye, brain
function and can prevent vision improvement. Do NOT use if you have any
advanced eye condition.
Absolutely NO
WITHOUT GLASSES' Duke Peterson’s'
inferior, unnatural, highly advertised, multi marketed e-book ads! Same
and other Clickbank vendor E-book vision courses. You guys are giving true
Natural Vision Improvement a bad reputation! Like the See Clearly
Method did. They are not true Bates teachers. The ClickBank sellers used my name,
website, book titles and videos without my permission to falsely
advertise their E-books. Do It Yourself-Natural Eyesight Improvement,
Better Eyesight Magazine,… is NOT affiliated with,
is not and does not endorse Vision Without Glasses and these other
unnatural courses, books. I also do not agree with, do not
endorse Meir Schneider and other unnatural teacher's expensive eyesight classes
involving blocking the central field of vision with a black paper,
constant keeping the mind, eyes awareness in the peripheral field and other unnatural
methods that are directly against Dr. Bates teaching of
Central-Fixation (centralizing;
my choice of word) and normal eye Shifting. Much of the unnatural
teacher's training is a scam, they alter Dr. Bates method, make it
'different' to attract customers. Many semi-blind,
blind people come to us because these high priced teachers (including
some of the famous 'supposedly nice' lady high priced teachers) refused to
help them unless they pay over $150.00 per hour. Even if paid, things
are held back, hidden in order to sell more training; thousands of
dollars for multi levels, seminars. The free method
on this website and in Dr. Bates books, magazines, our books have
cured 4 of these blind people, reversed the blindness and others continue to improve back to
100% vision. Very little training was needed. Often just removing glasses is a major factor in
improvement. The unnatural teachers would not tell them this simple,
essential thing. Continuing to wear
the glasses would have advanced the eye, vision problems which can lead
to detached retina, advanced cataract.., blindness. Eyeglasses cause
blindness! Shame on the teachers that claim they cured themself of
blindness but refuse to help other blind people for free. I am starting
to doubt many more things they have claimed. You are heartless crooks.
A 'honest teacher' investigated these unnatural teachers; posing as a
semi-blind man with very strong -8 glasses, he called the dishonest
unnatural teachers. The dishonest teachers refused to help him unless
he paid a lot of money. The dishonest teachers told the blind man to
keep wearing those strong glasses. Similar cases that occured came to
us. We removed his glasses, trained him for free and he improved
'restored' his vision. I like some
teachers practices 100%. Others I do not fully agree with but they all
have contributed to the history, advancement of The Bates Method,
Original and Modern Natural Vision Improvement. I like some of Meir's
movement practices in his book. They helped me heal my spine, but I
also learned many things he does not teach from other alternative
teachers and 4 Physical Therapists.., all for free.
See list of the best teachers, history;
Click Here.
I will have to block posts by a
few popular teachers. I like a lot of their training but one
advertises the harmful Plus Lens method and other unhealthy practices as affiliate with eye doctors.
He and others also sell the magic eyes books, autostereograms pictures which can cause
strabismus. Certain herbs, supplements are not healthy. I do not like
teachers that carelessly sell eyebright and other herbs that have side
effects, can be toxic. Another has given into selling eyeglasses,
contact lenses, sunglasses, colored lenses.
No Chiropractors and other doctors; Do not link on here to try
and sell your risky treatments. A chiropractor in
California did this to me on YouTube. Used my books pages, pictures… to
make videos, while using Natural Eyesight Improvement to also sell
chiropractic neck manipulation. I was injured by a few chiropractors, almost had a stroke when
they broke my neck and spine. I do not endorse chiropractic or vision teachers
that advise chiropractic to get $ kickbacks for referring their Natural
Vision students to the chiropractor. This is dangerous, you are placing
your students health, life and eyesight in harm’s way! I
heard that chiropractor is still illegally using my books to make
videos to sell his practice in his seminars, offices. He does not
teach the Bates method correct. He needs to re-study it and to
stop using it to sell chiropractic.
No ads for other teachers (that
teach incorrect, methods that impair the vision. ) by wanna-be students
hanging around these high priced teachers in hopes of getting a
low priced certification as a teacher or working as an affiliate
for them. Your blocking the truth about these teachers out of
your mind, heart because you have $ signs in your eyes, want to be certified
and charge thousands of dollars like they do. This type of
mind-set results in more teachers altering the Dr. Bates method,
inventing more and more abnormal practices to attract people to
you and away from true teachers. Your corrupted
technique injures the vision, eyes health.
Is Natural
Eyesight Improvement safe after cornea surgery or cataract surgery with
an eyeglass prescription implanted in the eyes?
These surgeries place a
prescription for myopia, presbyopia... in the eye. It can't be changed.
The cataract lens prescription can be changed but only with more
surgery. All surgery has risks. More lasik surgery can cause blindness. There can be problems
when mixing surgery with Natural Eyesight Improvement and even without
Natural Eyesight Improvement; If the vision improves or becomes
more impaired after surgery; the prescription implanted in the
cornea or eyes will cause blurry vision; just like looking
through an incorrect too strong or to weak eyeglass prescription. NO teachers
allowed on here that refuse to post this warning on their websites and
in their answers to posted questions. Too
many greedy teachers in the world want to sell eyesight training without regard for
side effects, the students eyesight, health.
Read our PDFs, Warnings,
Directions to know what to avoid,
how to practice;
To Avoid Confusion;
Are All 3 Web Pages, Directions, Warnings, Disclaimer PDF's... Combined
Into One PDF;
Click Here
See an honest teacher's warning here;
Thomas Quackenbush. This is my teacher. The best! He can provide directions to honest eye
doctors, true Bates Method teachers worldwide, in your area. Years
training thousands of students, certified hundreds of teachers. See the
home page of this website for the new link through the WayBack machine.
People that sell methods that cause cataract, retina
damage, strabismus, such as; 'The Harmful Plus Lens-Anti
Corrective Method, Magic Eyes Artificial 3-D Auto-Stereograms (3-Cups), Lasik
Contact Lenses, Orthokeratology, Prescription Len Implants...
are not allowed to join, post on our forum. (Avoid them, the
Plus Lens method causes cataract, retina damage, other eye
problems. Lasik and other eye surgeries destroy the eyes
health ad clarity of vision.)
I created a PDF to warn people what is the real, safe Bates
Method and what is not, what methods are dangerous and should be avoided. See the
PDF 'maroon link' above ^
True Bates Method
people fight back, speak the truth. We state the harm the
unnatural methods cause
to protect people from eye-vision injury. I advise people to stay
away from the Plus Lens, Lasik and other harmful, unnatural methods. I constantly fight
back, posting the truth about the dangerous method on many
internet forums, groups every time one of those evil
crooks posted but it got to be an exhausting,
relentless job and was taking time away from my books, videos and
most importantly helping people attain clear eyesight, healthy
eyes through free training. Evil,
people with power trips, ego problems, greed exist. We must know the
truth and leave these bad guys behind. So we now have our own
Forum. All the bad guys are blocked.
We can speak our mind, true
experiences. We are not treated like weak silent
followers being lead to the slaughter by a false teacher!
We help people along the path to clear eyesight and
healthy eyes.
true Bates Method is NOT about wearing eyeglasses, having eye
surgeries, doing strenuous unnatural eye exercises. The people that avoid eyeglasses have the
results. There are a few that refuse to stop use of glasses.
This prevents progress. In this case, reduced weaker lenses
are the best option. The
glasses are used temporarily as the vision improves in
stages with natural eyesight practice. But these glasses also slow progress. If you have cataract,
retina, vitreous condition, any advanced eye-vision problem; stop using
all eyeglasses
(except for safety driving, work... but this can still impair
the eyes health). Glasses cause and lead to
advanced cataracts, detached retina, glaucoma, other problems, even
when reduced weaker lenses are worn. Avoid the ads for lasik,
contacts, unnatural methods... when visiting any other group,
forum, website. I do not endorse these destructive practices.
There are other
groups, forums on the internet that claim to be The Bates
Method but they are not. They advise, sell harmful
methods and only people that will NOT speak up, will not tell the truth about
the harm the methods (Plus Lens-Anti-Corrective, Magic Eyes, Orthokeratology.
Lasik, Implants...) cause are allowed to post
comments. People that speak the truth, try to state that they or
'often' their children were harmed by these methods are blocked from
posting and banned from the Group.
There are a few other beneficial forums, blogs, groups but
I have removed their address from this website after I found out the owners and some of
their group members have become cultish, have jealousy, greed
problems, sell natural eyesight books, classes, Dr. Bates Better
Eyesight Magazines, books for a very high price, over $400.00.
They hack, shut down honest natural vision teachers, author's
computers, bookstores, websites, Yahoo, Google Groups and write anonymous 1
star untruthful reviews of Dr. Bates and other teachers books published on, Barnes
and Noble... bookstores and their schools. They did this to me
and my teachers.
They hold back on complete training
in order to sell their books but even then they hide full
training so others cannot obtain perfect eyesight and
learn to be teachers, help others for free. Avoid these
negative people. The Plus Lens guys and the phony Bates
teachers-hackers attack many websites, groups. Search
Yahoo Bates Method and other groups posts by Delbert, but
DO NOT click to enter the Group. This is just one group
that was infected by these hackers but it's been
repaired. I was hacked 2 times on a popular forum chat by
an enemy. The Yahoo Bates Method group allows the plus
lens people to post, sell so I no longer post there
except to give free books, occasionally speak up against
the plus lens people. There are some good teachers but
most groups, forums also allow harmful practices so I
will not post them.
Surprisingly some of the Groups owned by
Optometrists, Ophthalmologists are insightful, helpful, including
the Lazy Eye Groups that prefer to avoid eye muscle surgery and
glasses. They fight against the Plus Lens people and the
unnatural teachers. See Sci-med Google Groups, Optometry and
(Note that William Horatio Bates, Kazekage, Kyazekage, Ms Brainey,
Hatake Kakashi... seem to be
the same person or 2-3 people working together. The main 2 men,
leaders hacked
my computer trying to shut down this website, Dr. Bates free
Better Eyesight Magazines here and on our Googlebooks account.
The internet names they use are derived from a
warrior type cartoon, or video game,
maybe Japanese or Russian. Their main objective is to destroy every
natural eyesight improvement book, website, bookstore and
force the public to pay them for their high priced books,
partial training. There are also many natural vision teachers that
troll on forums solely to appear intelligent, kind but they
charge a lot of money by the hour for phone, Skype, high
priced schools, are on-line mainly to draw in customers
or advertise their new book. This problem with competing sellers of various eyesight products
attacking Natural Eyesight teachers has been going on for years.
Even back in Dr. Bates time; his entire life, after he discovered
the natural eyesight method and proved it works; eye doctors,
then later on, phony teachers tried to stop him from teaching,
publishing his books, magazines.
Old post;
Jan 19, 2014;
Already!! On the old Forum a man (2 men) that have hacked
my computer, attacks my books on Amazon and wants this
website, the free books, Dr. Bates Better Eyesight
Magazines to be deleted have tried to hack the Forum. I had to delete
the entire Forum to remove them! The ip he used to hack is; The ip goes to Kiev Ukraine, Russia, home
of a main hacker. A website of the hacker was also posted in
his comment, profile and the name he used was one of those zyk.. types they often use to hack, troll.
It went to pornography which he sells on his website. Here's
3 other ip's they work with in London under Kazekage, Kyazekage;,, And
his boss;, They use
other variations and ip's from a few other countries close by
and 1-2 in the U.S. They use vpn, wi-fi, phones... to hide
identity. Here's a ip checker; My
web service also provides ip check. The hackers are cult
members of the (name removed to be nice. It will be given
out if anyone has the same problem I experienced. Call
me. I hope that this olive tree branch of peace will be
upheld.) Yahoo Group. ips can be blocked and
spoofed through a certain type server, so its really hard to
fight these crooks. The new forum created in Mar., 2014
stopped this problem but I keep the eagle eye on watch. (I am not against Russians..., Italians. I like
Al Pacino, Mr.
Spock, adore Johnny Weir Voronov and have many Italian
friends. I avoid people that are prejudice,
abusive to Natural Vision teachers.)
OK, enough ranting!
Sign on if you like.
Learn, cure yourself.
Then help others see clear.
UPDATE; Forum closed but open to view, download
free books, pictures, videos..
Here's the old Guest Page; You can post here through e-mail.
Post Comments - Ask Questions, Tell Others Your Experience
with Natural Eyesight Improvement
(All comments with advertisements for; Cornea Laser Surgery,
Contact Lenses, Eyeglasses, Sunglasses, the harmful Plus Lens-Anti-Corrective
Lens Method, Magic Eye Artificial 3-D, Unnatural Vision Teachers
and teachers that ask for money, refuse to give
complete eyesight
training for free will be deleted.
I suggest people do not place their e-mails on-line. Keep your information private.
I remove all email addresses from messages and post only the
question. Name is posted only if the person prefers that and your
website may be posted if it's a good business, beneficial service.)
Bartosz Oliwa ************** To: mclearsight <>
Sent: Tue, Aug 30, 2011 12:36 pm
Thanks for advices, and yes
you can post the comment. You can add my real name and address if you
want. Hi Clark, Thank you for respond. I didn't saw your message
until now, when I checked a Spam Folder. Something strange happened to
mail gmail. So, unfortunately I don't look at Snellen card, because
I'm working all day (from 5:25 am to 5:25 pm), and when I come back to
home I'm so tired to look at the Snellen Card. But I'm exercising
shifting on different objects like trees, buildings, cars, etc. My
vision is more and more clear. I can read a bus timetable in City from
3-4 meters. Of course, I need to shift on numbers for a while, and
after a moment I see it more clearly, that I can read that. Now I'm
waiting for a eyepatch, because me right eye is strong, but left eye
is to weak, so I have to see the world with my docile (correct word?)
left eye. I also swinging once a day. I take my finger 20 cm from
face, I'm looking on it, and I'm swinging for left side to right side
one hundred times, then up and down, and last one is "U-swing". When
I'm shifting and swinging I'm looking also on the background, that
goes to opposite direction to my look/swing.
Clark Night - When you swing; you don’t have to always hold up
a finger; use nothing and just relax. You can also make a central fixation stick and place the stick a certain distance. It
will move with your head, eyes so you don’t get a tired arm holding up the finger. A baseball cap can be used with eyepatch;
sew a piece of cloth onto the visor to cover the eye. Let a bit of light into the sides of the patch to keep both eyes, brain
hemispheres active. Do the shifting, switching close, middle far with the patch and as directed in the book. If you are
getting clear flashes, then the vision will continue to improve. Are you shifting part to part when looking at the letter? The eyes, central point must move; part to part, point to point. The part you are looking at should be clearest. Sometimes
when the vision has been unclear for a while, it takes some time before the central field becomes clearest. It will. Blink,
relax, shift.
Thanks Doc! One of my Bates teachers also suggested
Sardo exercise for my back 2 years ago and it worked. I will definitely get the book. Would you like a free book on Bates
Method? Clark John morcos
Dear clarknight, I saw your post
to David about you neck problem, there is a way to cure it, much simlar to the bates method, get the book healing back pain
by dr John e sarno, read the reviews on amazon. It cured me but took time. I am a doctor trying to cure my vision and I cured
my back and neck problems to about 90% with this book
Clark Night
- Forgot to answer: yes I like EFT-it changes my thoughts from very bad... experiences to positive, good emotions, energy.
Only use a few times, it works! I stay with Bates Method usually, but also use EFT and Robert Monroe Methods when stress gets
too high! Brings clear vision, a normal, happy state.
Clark Night
- Hi Anne, Thanks for the compliment on the website! Sounds like you are missing one thing to get to perfect clarity. The
fact that you have some improvement shows that your visual system responds to The Bates Method. Do you wear glasses? Are the
lenses equal and reduced in both eyes? Uneven lense strength can impair the vision. Is vision less clear in one eye? If yes,
do switching... Are there any additions in the lenses such as bifocal or astigmatism? These can block full vision improvement.
Write to me at: and I will send you a free book and give you e-mail support. Have you listened to the
videos? Some advertise our books but only in the first minute or so, then, rest contains free lessons.
Anne First, congratulations for this very rich, thorough and intelligent website.
I have been visiting it for a couple of years. I began applying the Bates method almost three years ago, very diligently,
along with new versions Janet/Carina Goodrich (2 unnatural teachers
removed by Clark Night. Sorry Anne.)). Now, I feel like I have done everything possible
to get to 20/20, but I am still far from having a vision sufficient to drive, for example. I decided to engage into EFT to
master emotions, because I feel like this may be the only lock remaining on the door to perfect vision. I read about success
with this method but I would like to know what Clark Night thinks of it. Kind regards Anne Clark Night - To Tony Sorry
I did not post back to you - I never received this comment notice in my e-mail. Thanks for the nice complement! Yeah, the
pens work. Similar to the bead string with more room to shift on. Do switching, shifting, central fixation on all objects
close, middle, far. Watch your e-mail for a free E-book. Clark
I have been doing some of the execises from your websits, and I can really tell that there is
improvement in my vision, although I started 3 weeks ago, and my vision is 6/9, however the color pens are perfect for me,
Clark Night - Hi Jack, Sounds like your eye doctor used
the old sneaky method of prescribing 20/20 and stronger eyeglass lenses to make your eye muscles more and more tense causing
increased, progressive, fast vision impairment. A bates method doctor would have avoided prescribing glasses at age 8 or if
necessary for safety to see: he would have prescribed weaker, reduced lenses as you were taught Natural Eyesight Improvement
and the vision improves. See the videos on Youtube: Chapter 3 part 1,2,3 and other videos. I am sending you a free book. Watch your e-mail
for the download link. Write with any questions and for training at: You can do it! Do not allow doctor s to place astigmatism or bifocal in the glasses.
It is hard to find a behavioral Optometrist that will do this, even many of them are corrupt and sell laser. Very harmful.
Keep searching. Many people have done it on their own: try to figure your prescription and with the eyechart and order weaker
glasses at on of the on-line mail order places in the book. is good.
There are new better opticians on the eyeglasses webpage. Order plain, clear lenses, no uv,
no tinting... Start with palming, shifting, tracing with
nosefeather, central fixation, blink, yawn, abdominal breathing...
Get that neck relaxed if it is stiff. You can do it! I recently had
a neck injury causing double vision, impaired eye movement, astigmatism, blur, many problems and the Bates Method has brought
my vision back to normal, kept me out of glasses. Eye doc tried to sell astigmatism lenses, bifocal, laser. Don’t need
I need
help!!! i started with eye glasses at age of 8, and from then on every year i had to change to a stronger prescription till
20 years old, i ended up with a -14 OD -15 OS and -1.5 cyl. when i take off my glasses i can read only up to 3 inches away,
i finally got frustrated so i went to a doctor and asked him if he can tell me of anything that i can do to improve my eyes
without surgery, he said nothing you can do about it, so i went on line and did a google search and i found out that their
is a possibility for me to get full eye sight, my problem is that i don't know were to start, can you guide me thru the steps
i should take, if i will be able to see without glasses wow ! i have no words to say Thank you
Clark Night - 5-10 minutes day. Shifting is a normal eye function that should occur all the time
but if you try to hard, constantly thinking about the eyes, it can interfere with perfect, completely natural eye function,
perfect vision. The tiny saccadic shifts will occur on their own as the eye muscles, eyes relax and improve other shifting
movements. Shifting brings light into the eyes, onto the retina. Without movement, there is low or no vision. Do the 5-10
minutes, or a little more if you like, or divide the practice up to 1-2 minutes throughout the day. Anytime vision is unclear,
or you stare: shift. Use the nosefeather. You can also use a big fluffy feather as long as the eyes move part to part or trace
on the object the feather is sweeping over. Don’t try to be perfect. The eyes will do this on their own. The goal is
relaxation, soothing, easy movement of the eyes, visual attention, head/neck. Do some close and far switching with the nosefeather
shifting on objects 3-7 days week to get the vision clear in both eyes. more days if vision is very unclear. This is a main
way to quickly improvement the vision.
Mian Asfahan Ali Gul For how long should i shift and then leave the eyes alone for automatic shifting?????? Clark Night - Practice, then
don’t practice; let the eyes do it 'on their own'. Once the brain, eyes learn to return to normal function: shifting,
central fixation, then, the only true natural way is to let the eyes alone, don’t think about their function or the
vision. Shift if you catch yourself staring. Let shifting become a subconscious, automatic habit.
Asfahan Ali
I m trying shifting
works but is a very tedious job.......but i will never give up.....
Night - I sent you a couple free books. Watch your e-mail for the links. This will get you started. It is normal for vision
to fluctuate, even for people that have clear vision. Its good that you have never started glasses. Did you get a eye exam?
Do this, but avoid glasses unless needed for safe driving.. and use the Bates method, reduced weaker lenses only. No bifocals...
Very hard to find honest optometrists that will work with you. See The Cambridge Institute on website for a free list. Glasses
will block vision improvement but weaker 20/40...lenses not as much as regular and strong lenses. Keep practicing the Bates
method and do some Behavioral Optometry: Switching with Shifting close and far as in chapter: 13-14. Both eyes, one eye at
a time, then both together again to get the vision equal and clear in both eyes. Check your posture, neck for tension, avoid
sugar. A little is ok but quit for a while as you are working on improving vision. Natural sugars only. Vision my appear lower
without glasses if you are squinting, staring, straining, using effort, trying hard to see clear when vision is blurry. Replace
these incorrect vision habits with correct ones: shift, blink, relax. Don’t fight the blur, relax and float with it,
shift on objects and you will get clearer and clarity will remain. Don’t worry if the clarity fluctuates. When you get
to better than 20/20 the fluctuations will occur less often and usually not be noticed, will not interfere with your daily
routine. Listen to Janet Goodrich’s free lessons: audio and video. Clink the free lessons links on our videos page.
have you tried the central fixation and using the exact center to shift point to point on objects and small parts? That will
fine tune the vision. I will place you on our email list for the new book upgrades coming out soon: many more treatments will
be available. You can do it! Clark
Artur I have been improving
my sight for 5 weeks, and it gets worse or better on different days(the book on renowned Bates method says it's normal).So
I am full of scepticizm and want to know if the method is helpful for people with poor vision who has never started to wear
glasses and the second question is if vision gets worse when you do not wear them and why.I hope you will answer so i'll be
inspired to continue my work.
Clark Night - Avoid glasses! Glasses,
especially with astigmatism correction will keep the eye muscles that are causing the astigmatism tense, maintaining a irregular
eye/cornea shape, block natural left and right brain hemisphere activation, integration, balance, block natural eye development
as the child grows. The glasses will increase muscle tension, abnormal eye shape, cause blur and prescriptions for stronger
and stronger lenses. Children can experience some blur or astigmatism as the brain and eyes grow. One brain hemisphere may
be activated more than the other as the child learns new things. Let her play with variety of toys, games. Avoid glasses.
Teach her basic shifting, avoid squinting, avoid trying hard to see and the vision will become clear, astigmatism removed
naturally. Do the cross crawl. Teach her the basic correct vision habits but it must not become a exercise. No effort. Nice
and easy then let the eyes alone and allow them to work completely natural independent. I am sending you a free E-book. Contains
my book and Dr. Bates Magazines... Click the two... links in the E-mail. Write if you have a Questions. Two
people have sent questions asking for eyesight help through the question answer page. They did not leave a correct e-mail
address so i cannot respond or send a free E-book.
Parul Agarwal Hi... my 4 year old daughter has astigmatism in both her eyes (-3.50 at 180 deg in both her eyes) ... I have been doing
the astigmatism excercises mentioned in Janet Goodrich's book for kids.... I ahve also tried to look at your website and see
if i could additional excercises with her .... my question is ... if my daughter is regularly doing these excercises what
are the chances that she will be cured of astigmatism and how long is it expected to take her to get rid of this eye condition?
Thank you! Books;
Better Eyesight Without Glasses vs. Perfect Sight Without Glasses;
Eyesight Without Glasses; Great, Will get you to 20/20! This is the later revised edition of Dr. Bates original book
published years after his death with the title changed. His original book is titled; Perfect Sight Without Glasses by W. H. Bates. Also known as; 'The Cure of Imperfect Sight by Treatment Without Glasses by W. H. Bates.
This new book is a great book and WILL improve your vision to 20/20 and better. This later book edition has omitted
a lot of text, practices and all pictures but it has an additional section listing the main treatments at the end of the book
written by Emily C. A. Lierman, Bates (Dr. Bates assistant, wife). All main steps organized for you! Some later re-prints
of the original book contain this. '1940' print. If you cannot find that copy then I suggest buying this book and adding it
to your collection along with Dr. Bates original books, free on-line. New Publishers, sellers were
afraid to print all the original natural treatments in this new edition due to threats of imprisonment, lawsuits by eye surgeons,
the optical industry who were destroying Dr. Bates and his wife's original books, his Better Eyesight Books-Magazines, Medical
Books-Articles after his death in an attempt to hide true, safe, effective Natural Eyesight Improvement from the public. The
eye doctors preferred to sell addictive, harmful eyeglasses, contact lenses, eye surgery and drugs. Lasik surgery on the cornea
is big business and eye surgeons, doctors know it will lead to many eye problems resulting in more expensive surgery and lifelong
purchase of eye drops and other medications, kits to treat all the eye, vision problems the surgery causes. This includes
prescriptions for eyeglasses. Sometimes the side effects of surgery do not appear for about a year. One
thing about the old original Bates books; some practices (which are removed from the new editions) like open-eyed sunning
and the sunglass which can reverse blindness must be done with exact directions, precision, skill and for a temporary time
or eye, vision injury can occur. Dr. Bates is not here to treat the patients in person and give detailed directions. Modern
teachers, authors hide these old practices to protect people, so they don't just read it in a book and then do it wrong. Others
teach it, place it in their books but with exact directions and state that "only an experienced Ophthalmologist that
practices the Bates Method should apply it and only to reverse, correct advanced eye, vision conditions and only temporarily.
There are people that stay with, teach only the original Bates practices but they misunderstand them and
are using the sunglass on their eyes every day, a few times a day for life and advising everyone to do this. This is dangerous
and not the true Natural Vision practice Dr. Bates and Modern teachers, authors teach. These people still have unclear vision,
for years. Much anger, arrogance, stubbornness, partial knowledge has kept them and their students mentally, spiritually
and visually in the dark.
September, 1919
Do you read imperfectly?
Can you observe then that when you look at the first word, or the first letter, of a sentence you do not see best where you
are looking; that you see other words, or other letters, just as well as or better than the ones you are looking at? Do you
observe also that the harder you try to see the worse you see? Now close your eyes and rest them, remembering some color,
like black or white, that you can remember perfectly. Keep them closed until they feel rested, or until the feeling of strain
has been completely relieved. Now open them and look at the first word or letter of a sentence for a fraction of a second.
If you have been able to relax, partially or completely, you will have a flash of improved or clear vision, and the area seen
best will be smaller. After opening the eyes for this fraction of a second, close them again quickly, still remembering the
color, and keep them closed until they again feel rested. Then again open them for a fraction of a second. Continue this alternate
resting of the eyes and flashing of the letters for a time, and you may soon find that you can keep your eyes open longer
than a fraction of a second without losing the improved vision. If your trouble is with distant instead of near vision, use
the same method with distant letters. In this way you can demonstrate for yourself the fundamental principles of the cure
of imperfect sight by treatment without glasses. If you fail, ask someone with perfect sight to help you.
Little Girls Cure Homeless Man of Blindness
Editor’s Note. - This letter from a school teacher was just
received, and seemed so worthwhile that we decided to make
room for it in this issue. It substantiates Ms. Lierman’s
reports that those who know the method can improve the sight
of others. We regret that we did not have time to obtain the
permission of the writer to publish this article, and are
therefore withholding her name.
Dear Dr. Bates:
I cannot resist telling you what my little Edith Collins, aged
twelve years, has done for a blind man that she picked up on
the street. His eyes were very much sunken. She taught him
to palm and sun-gaze. She and a little girl friend visited him
in his hovel once or twice a week. Much of the time he was so
ill that he kept to his bed, but had this so placed that the
sun shone on his eyes. Little by little his eyes came forward.
He palmed faithfully and swung a chart that was given to him.
A visiting nurse was telling him it was all “bunk” one day, as
Edith entered. She spoke to the nurse and informed her it was
not bunk, and that if she (the nurse) would come back in two
or three months she would find out for herself. Well, up to
July the reports were that he was gradually looking better,
and his eyes seemed fuller. When school opened, Edith came
into my room and said, “He sees!” I had forgotten about
the man, and for a minute I wondered what she meant. She told
me that she had met this man on the street a week or two ago -
he was very happy - sees to get around, can read headlines in
the papers, and can pick out the smaller words in spots. He
has promised her that he will not stop exercising till he
obtains perfect sight. He also told Edith that if he had not
met her, he would still be a blind man begging for food. Now
he intends to find work in some other city.
Isn’t this a wonderful thing for a little girl to do? Of
course, if it were not for Edith, the man would still have
been blind. Children do not discriminate as to whether a man
is a beggar, a worker or worthy. To them there are no
differences. They scatter the good into every nook and cranny,
and what is more, if it had not been for the revolutionary
discovery of this very, very natural way to see and think, I
would not have been able to have carried it on to the
children, who so unquestionably take to the truth when
presented to them. I have been so
excited about this that I had to write you at once!
Read, Study Better Eyesight Magazine, Dr. Bates and Emily Lierman, Bates Books
on this website.

Thank-You Bates Method Students!
Thank you to
the many visitors to this website that have e-mailed questions on Natural Eyesight Improvement and provided updates on their
eyesight improvement process. Many have become teachers and improved
other people's vision.
Natural Eyesight
Improvement Teachers learn from their students and their own vision improvement and training from a qualified Natural Eyesight
Improvement Teacher. Every student that improves their Eyesight Naturally is automatically a Natural Eyesight Improvement
Teacher. A child with clear eyesight uses their eyes correct and watching that child's eyes, body
movement, natural relaxation is a way to obtain free Natural Eyesight Improvement Training. Notice how easy, continually their
eyes shift, moving from part to part, point to point when looking at objects at any distance; close, middle, far, without
effort, without thinking about their eyes. When observing the child's eye movement; don't let the child know you are
watching their eyes or they will become self conscious and this can interfere with their eyes natural movement. Clearest vision
occurs when you don't think about the eyes. That is why shifting, central-fixation and other correct, relaxed vision (eyesight)
habits are practiced in a easy, effortless manner and then; the student lets the eyes shift,
activate all 'correct, natural , relaxed vision habits'
automatically, on their own. A natural, subconscious function, without thinking about or
controlling the eyes. Just as
heart beats, lungs breathe, the sense of taste, touch, hearing... occur automatically.

Children that are taught Natural Eyesight Improvement and
obtain clear eyesight often successfully teach their brothers, sisters, other children, parents and school
teachers how to
improve their vision. Read
examples of this in Dr. Bates 'Better Eyesight Magazines' and 'Stories From the Clinic' by Dr. Bates Assistant, Wife Emily
C. Lierman (Later, Emily A. Bates).
When you achieve eyesight improvement, teach others, then
they can teach more people. Some websites listed in the links on this website teach students to be Bates Teachers. (I prefer Thomas Quackenbush.) This insures
that the correct method is maintained and passed on. Choose a Teacher carefully. Read the Home Page, Introduction. Original
copies of all unedited Dr. Bates Better Eyesight Magazines (early 1900's) is a very good training
manual. They were
difficult to find in the past. Many teachers would hide them or charge a high price for copies. Teachers took credit for
Bates Work, hid his books, magazines for years. The buyer must be sure the magazines are complete, exact, original copies;
scans or photos of the originals. Misprints,
missing articles, paragraphs, editing, changed wording are common in retyped copies.
For Volume 2; Read it
on Googlebooks;
Click Here
Google seems to limit one book preview per
webpage. I will try to figure a way to place Vol. 2
All books on Google;
Click Here;